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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Monday June 3rd, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. first trade of the day was a 2min ORBU in AMD. definitely got caught in the FOMO on AMD. went full share size and got auto-stopped in about 30 seconds. ok not that big of a deal, the setup was ok, i didn't like the $29.14 level that was the current HOTD but all in all i think the setup was fine. I meant to put a stop at the $28.85 level but i was having hotkey issues and i didn't want to miss the trade (bad!!!!) and i ended up getting what i should have on this trade. GOOD: setup RFI: position size too large for the moves AMD is making today MOOD: fine CONSISTENT: nope, froze when i should have got out and had the DAS stop catch me. broke my rule of taking 1 loss on ORBS in a day by taking a 5min ORBU in AMD. this one did go to 2R but i absolutely butchered the exit, getting out 75% before 2R and partialing way too much for a 2R trade. so still down for the day but only slightly. Not at all happy with my trading because i should be up 1R on the day at this point but i was down instead due to my botching the exits. GOOD: setup was still there. really good entry. RFI: terrible exits MOOD: ok CONSISTENT: no, did not follow my selling strategy. Next two trades were the worst of the day. i went long in AMD on a new 2min high for an ABCD on the 5min chart but i couldn't break a new 5min high and made a doji on the 2min and a new 2min low so i bailed for a 0.5R loss, again too big of a postion size for AMD today, it's really moving. i would have got stopped out for a full loss had i not got out when i did so in that respect it was good. GOOD: got out before stop RFI: bad/no setup. FOMO MOOD: greedy and emotional CONSISTENT: yes, got out on price action Then i decided that it was now a short because it wasn't breaking higher and I got in on a revenge trade that I, of course, held past my stop for an auto-stop loss. GOOD: auto-stopped out RFI: no setup, revenge trade. MOOD: emotional, greedy, just trying to get a win CONSISTENT: no. Then i got in one more time on a 5min ABCD on AMD. this time it did make a new 5min high. thankfully, i realized how crazy my trading was and i calmed down and set a range order at my stop and a 5R profit target because i still believed AMD was strong and going to move higher, huge asks the entire time and volume on the upticks. it came back down to my entry but otherwise didn't give me any trouble all the way up to 4R when i decided it was crazy not to take any profit so i got out 75% at 4R and then the last piece on a new 5min against my position. this trade single-handedly put me in the green (barely) for the day. GOOD: good setup, entry and great R/R RFI: got in too early, guess instead of waiting for confirmation it was moving higher MOOD: exhausted and disgusted at my trading today. CONSISTENT: yes, stuck to my plan with modification for price action. I really made a Christmas tree on AMD today. I can tell i'm getting better, if only slightly, because a day like today a month or more ago would have been a max loss day but i managed to pull it together and come out slightly green. What i did good today: stopped trading after i was up because i realized how crazy i was begin What i did bad today: FOMO, greed, emotional entries, over trading. that pre-market run-up in AMD just broke all my fuses lmao What can i do better tomorrow: have to keep emotions in check at all times. also, need to realize when I've had several days of good controlled trading i'm at risk to lose it and make some emotional trades.
  2. 1 point
    Monday 6/03/2019 I had a well-being score of 7.5/10. My nerves were OK. I changed my setup so I am only taking $25 risk/trade (down from $42). Also, I am trading off just my laptop this morning. I missed not having a SPY chart to look at. I took one live trade FB. I was actually looking at FB with my one Montage since back test data says it's the only reliable stock for my 1min/2min ORB setup (that I have shares to short). Plus I like it was the only stock on my list that was counter trending. It had a nice drop at the open. Waited for the pull back and went short with VWAP as my stop and the 172.71 daily level as my target. 2min later I took a small partial at the LOTD. Next partial at the $173 level which I probably should not have taken since my 172.71 target was so close. Next partial at my target. Then took another when the price stop moving. The few shares I had left I covered when it broke the 173 level. My score card for today: FB = 92% Most of the points off due to too many partials. What I did good today: Waited for the pull back. How did I challenge myself today? Traded on just a laptop. What I did bad today: Yep, if there is a level I must take a partial...... I need to weight the levels. What can I do better tomorrow: Should determine the strength of the level in premarket before I take a partial there.
  3. 1 point
    Hi Rob, thanx for your message. Yes if I wish to continue I definitely need to make some changes and if I can’t by myself, enforce them with risk control settings. A max loss is a must I think. I’m taking a break from trading this week, reestablish trading rules and consider some things. I want to give it another shot with a different approach. I’m understanding now how a max set Of trades per day isn’t a limitation at this point. I need to make this a part of risk control until I can actually control myself. Oh, I live in a concrete jungle. Yokohama, below Tokyo. But I travel a lot for work, spend about 100 night per year or more in a hotel for the past 9 years or so.(Its getting a bit much I feel now) So many times when I go to Hokkaido which is my favorite part of japan and I actually hope to move here some day, i try to make some time to go to the mountain. They do have a lot of bears here although I have never encountered one. Have a green week!
  4. 1 point
    I have been through that tough patch and after 5 months I quit trying to learn how to trade. After about two weeks I started back slowly and changed a lot of things, but spiraled down again and after a $1k hulk day I was on the verge of quitting again. I got lucky that the hulk day occurred on January 31 and my CMEG account just got setup. So Feb 1st, the beginning of the month, felt like a new beginning. I knew I needed to change everything. Adjustments here and there wouldn't cut it. I needed to change everything now. Below is the list of things I changed which has helped me. But in particular the risk controls need to be in place. And let me tell you it's embarrassing to ask for them from your broker and embarrassing to admit that you need them. Different traders on the chat use them differently. Some stay below the PDT rule of 3 trades a week. Some have max shares traded a day. I have realized gain and total (Unrealized+realized) set at a certain limit through CMEG and it will lock me out until the following day if I exceed it. The one good thing about setting those risk controls, as once I set them and knew they were there, I have not broken them. I don't have the love of adventure/danger that you have, I do have something just as harmful to a trader. Though I consider myself a very honest person, I found out quickly I am a chronic lair to myself. And wow the market will destroy someone with this behavior. I am sure I could have lived the rest of my life without dealing with it, but as a trader it's something I have to fight every second. Journalling online really helped me. The first month it was funny to see my personal journal completely transform into an honest journal entry when I retyped into the BBT website and know that other people will be reading it. My first 3 months of live trading I had 6 hulk days and 16 max/loss days. Since I made these changes 4 months ago I have had zero hulk days and zero max/loss days. 1) Switched brokers to CMEG so I could reduce my account size so blowing it up is not as much of an impact. 2) Added risk controls from CMEG/DAS. Realized max so it would prevent me from going hulk and unrealized in case I lose internet in the middle of a trade. 3) Made a simple goal for 3 months. Don’t go hulk. I could trade terribly but as long as I never went hulk I reached my goal. 4) Started with 1 trade per day max. I tried the 3/day rule during my first three unsuccessful months, but I kept breaking it. 1 trade a day is very much an on/off switch with very little gray area. It was REALLY painful and FOMO was high, but after a week it got easier. The satisfaction of having enough discipline to stop at 1 trade was enough to be proud of myself. After about one month I switched to two trades a day allowed if the first trade was a winner. If the first trade was a loser, I am done for the day. I use to trade terribly after a loser. 5) Remove the unrealized gain window. This was tough, but surprisingly after a week I got use to it. Setting the risk controls (at the broker level) is the key. The changes to your trading will be swift. I hope you find something useful in my list. I hope you don't mind me asking but I am curious where you live with mountain forests and bears.
  5. 1 point
    We can try the techniques learned in trading in the casino, martingale strategy! averaging down all the way lol! just kidding
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