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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi All, My name is Tommy I’m part of the 90%. I’m quite consistent in my results, that’s to say, loosing money more then I have profit but I guess you figured that one out already. I joined bearbull in January, started out in sim which went surprisingly well at first. Went life in march and well, its been quite a ride, like a rollercoaster you want to keep on riding. If my name was Mc Donald’s I would say I’m lovin it. Well actually the truth is I don’t want to ride the rollercoaster no more as it is making me sick. I had put 28000 dollar in my account and I managed to get it below 25000 in 2 months.. My broker is probably loving me, I just checked and I payed 2600$ in commission fees. That’s crazy for just 2 months. Back under ptd rule, it kind of feels like I have blown up my account, its really embarrassing. So something clearly needs to change as I’m not planning to stop trading I did many things wrong so far but by far the biggest error so far is repeating the same mistakes again and again. Repeating the same mistakes and expecting a different result is ridiculous. I also take too many trades, I think that’s clear looking at the commission fees. Im not so active in the chatroom but I enjoy it every day. Even though I have lost money, I learned a lot from the pre market show and chatroom, most of my losses is because of emotion trading. I read trading in the zone and I do get it but… I guess I need to learn the hard way. Anyway, because I don’t wish to give up and I need help I decided to start an open journal aswell. I put 1500$ extra in my account so I can day trade again. Yes I could do sim again too I know. I will probably do now and then, will see how I feel.
  2. 1 point
    Agreed. Your posts are always appreciated Mike. Your journal entries are what I hope mine will look like one day.
  3. 1 point
    How do you pick your Watch-list? It seems you have all different types of stocks Low, medium, high float with various ATRs and prices. I only ask because I found throughout my trading that I need to stick with mid and high float stocks between $10-$55 dollars with ATRs lower than $2.00. Anything outside these parameters, I always ended up in negative.
  4. 1 point
    Hey Mark, I use to watch the Lvl 2 for my stop loss and about a 1 1/2 months ago, I heard Andrew say that he watches the last price marker on the chart more than anything. So, I started forcing myself to watch that instead of the lvl 2 and it became easier for me to exit at my stop. Also a by product that I was not expecting was I started noticing I had a better understanding of the price action by watching the price marker instead of the lvl 2 prices and time and sales. Mike
  5. 1 point
    May 15, 2019 - $TEVA (1 Target) Since going live the middle Wednesday of the month, has traditionally been my biggest losing day. For whatever reason, I would always have extended losses on this day. So for today, I was more than happy to only take one trade and let it be a winner. I was not pressing my luck. 1st Cover - Was a quick pop down which from the time I pressed the hotkey would have been a great move. 2nd Cover - That was at the profit target. All Out - I exited when the stock pop quickly back to my 1st out and stuck with my profit taking plan of letting the last bit go further or stop it out at my 1st out.. Sample Set Results S P P 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Mark, Yeah the last few weeks have been chaos for me outside of trading. Finally got the side items in check and can focus back on trading again.
  7. 1 point
    i had a really really bad day today, PL of -662 dollar and 36 tickers i should have know today was gonna be bad, it started out with a posiition i had no clue i even took, i only noticed this after i took the baba trade, it was 4000 shares on ge, a stock i never traded before and had no memory of looking at that day, i always use hotkeys and i dont even have a hotkey for 4000 shares, not even for 2000. when i noticed it was 120 minus but i didnt get out immediatly as i was looking at the baba, when i got out of baba it was already -200 , bloody hell it started out ok, i took a reversal on baba, i took a reversal and partialed out once but the second time i wanted to partial i did not get filled untill like 50 cents less, was not happy with that. as my profit got severely reduced i took another long pretty similar as the first trade, time i could get out no problem. then another shit thing happened, i got long on baba, 3th trade, i was pissed off because of the ge thing, i dont think i would have taken this trade normally. but so far ok however the price dropped and then i put my stop in with hotkey as i always do. again i didnt get filledand it kept on dropping , i even restarted das once but it was probably nothing to do with das, i could see it in my order window and couldnt cancel it either. i eventually got filled at the lowest point before the stock turned again. what the hell?? i was ok with a looser but not like this, i lost 250 dollar on this in stead of the 60 it should have been when i hit my stop. now i was eager to get my money back as i felt it was after all not my fault i had such a big loss, -300 before market open at market open i did another baba trade, the stock pulled back to vwap and i got in short, got 158 dollar profit from it, it was just 100 shares i took.so it felt ok. after that i had no confidence in the price action from baba so i stayed out. then roku, this one killed me. i took a bit bigger share, 500 again because i wanted my money back i went long 3 times, 3 times i stop out and with a big loss after this, offcourse just seconds after i stop out the 3th time popped up nicely and just kept on going, this could have should have made my day. The market was against me, or did i do this to myself? i could have gotten in again but i got out the last time thinking im stuck in a chop and i already had a big loss. i wonder if i had gotten in again if the stock would still have went up since clearly the market was against me i tried shorting it later but that wasnt a good idea either , again a trade i would not take normally. some other small trades but none that went well for me i did too, all emotional crappy trading oh boy, really dissapointing day, if that ge thing and the baba where i could not get out didnt happen it would have been a good day, i traded bigger size on roku because of when im probably not ready for that yet. This is how one ends up in the 90%... frustrating and dissapointing, makes me wonder if i should really continue with this. but that thought makes me depressed so at least for now i have to get back on my feet. i may stop trading premarket as not getting out of a position is really dangerous, it wasnt the first time that happened to me but only when i traded premarket though never this bad. i hope you guys had a better day then me.
  8. 1 point
    Wednesday April 15th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. didn't see any ORBs i liked. i almost took UNIT 2min ORB but the orders were too slow. i saw UBER was making a bull flag, waited for a new 2min high. got in long on the break risking 25 cents. it couldn't make a new 5min high and when i was it was close to breaking to a new 5min low i was watching the time and sales to get out at my stop loss and it broke so fast i couldn't react. got stopped out for a almost 3R loss. thanks UBER, done for the day. GOOD: nice setup, didn't try to guess the low RFI: should have got out when it didn't confirm the pattern on the 5min. MOOD: disappointed and fearful. doubt i'll be trading UBER any time soon. CONSISTENT: this is a tough call. i had all intentions of getting out at my stop so i'm going to say yes. after that i messed around and went long hoping for a rebound and got stopped out again. Not happy that i let myself do that. What i did good today: took a good setup with a good entry What i did bad today: held on to a trade that wasn't working on the 5min chart. What can i do better tomorrow: get out of trades that aren't working on the 5min chart.
  9. 1 point
    Sure. It's mostly measured. This is an example of my well being calculation from a previous morning (during winter). My Garmin (watch) informs me of the first 6 categories on the table. Fatigue level is self determined. I did have a headache that morning but that is unusual. I won't see a good score >7 until late Spring. My well-being score will be higher in the summer with the warmer weather and more opportunity to workout. 
  10. 1 point
    may 14, it was not a good day, i was tired yes, slept about 3 hours the previous day and went to work full day before aswell. not sure if that has anything to do with it but i was out of sync i think. PL at the end of the day was 0.85cents..., 38 tickers and 3200 shares. so a red day considering comission fees 12 trades in total, 6 looser and 6 winners, my losses were too big 1st trade was aapl, i went long on aapl , not sure why anymore, looking at it now it looks more like an abcd to the short side, but anywayz it seems i quickly got out and small loss. good thing i realized next trade was jmia, again i went long but with i think a good entry just above vwap, it started my direction and was thinking of taking a quick partial but i didn't , pl didn't seem worth it to take a partial, again i got influenced by this in stead of acting by price action. price changed direction and i got out with a loss below vwap. the i traded DIS, i saw a double bottom and went in , it went in my direction but not much, i partialed out , i gave it a bit time but it seemed weak and i thought more likely to go down again so i got out, this was small win, but still down for the day. i failed to partial at the better exit price next a short on roku below vwap, this was ok i think, i was in the green now i went back to jmia, i shorted at the point i thought was vwap, this was my mistake due to technical issues.. i had it on a small screen and i didnt realize there was actually still 30 cents between where i got in and vwap. i would have not gotten in if i had noticed better. i stopped out above vwap, then it did look to me like it would bounce a become a short again, i went in below and got stopped out again, it popped up and i thought oh, this is actually long , got back in long and stopped out below vwap. i got pissed off at this point, went back short at same entry as i originally had... tried to let it ride a bit but i eventually got out with just a small profit. that was some crappy trading. at 1 point i was down over 100dollar just on jmia.. Jmia took me in the red.. well actually I idid that, damned up to roku again, i saw something that could be ahead and shoulders, i have seen it multiple times so this time i tried it out, i got in with what i knew was a bad entry, foomo i think but i should have let the pattern form more first, my stop would have been above the left shoulder at the red line . it went right up to there, i considered adding to my position but i didnt . maybe i should have at this was actually the point i considered best entry. i let it ride hoping to get to vwap, it got close to it but not quit, took most of it off near vwap and the rest when it looked to go up again i got back to dis, i entered on what i thought would be a pull back didn't really push through and i got out below the moving average, i kinda regretted doing that and went back in with a better entry as the tape and level 2 showed strenght or so i thought. it again dint really give a good push and i gout out with a very small profit, i got out to quickly it showed as shortly after it popped up as i expected it would have done sooner. later in the day i did almost same thing again on this stock but again didn't have patience to let it run. i think i got out because it made my PL for the day back to break even, and my trading wasn't good today so i was gonna stop. the roku trade before was actually between these 2 dis trades ..not happy with my trading today, i really messed up on jmia, didnt show any patience for better entrys or letting my winner run. i lost a lot on jmia so i wanted to cover those losses on a winning trade and not risk more loss. thats not a good attitude for trading. today i was not in sync, i think i can be happy i could prevent a bigger loss, a few weeks ago this may have turned out a lot worse.
  11. 1 point
    May 14, 2019 - $AMD (1 Stop, 1 Target) Well it has been a while since I posted within a sample set. I took longer than normal to design this sample set as I wanted to focus on a couple of key items I been having issues with. This sample set I working on executing my trade plan properly without adjusting it in the middle. I post the parameters later tonight as I am running short on time before I need to head back to work. Below are my first two trades of the new sample set. 1st Trade - I entered too early and could not remember if I had inputted my stop loss correctly for my hotkey, so I exited and reset my stop to the technical level and looked for the proper entry. 2nd Trade - I entered at what I think is a good spot. I took the first partial when the momentum stopped, my second partial (which was actually an all-out) was near the PCL. I could have sworn that I hit my partial cover button, but I guess not. Also the trade log shows almost a 8 sec delay in the last two fills. I am going to have to check the account after the close today to see if it was just a delayed fill or if I hit the cover all button later. Sample Set Results S P 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  12. 1 point
    may 13th, ended the day with 50 tickers, 2800shares. slight overtrading though the higher number over tickers is mostly due to partialling out. i sometimes trade the premarket, but only if there is a high volume and price action has good movement, today uber was like that. premarket also had shares for short. first trade i made was a short, i got in at 39,55. not happy with this entry. i actually wanted to get in at 39,88 but i hesitated a bit and the ask dropped down from that. then i actually tried to put a limit order but never got filled again. the priced dropped quite a lot from that. i know i should not jump in then but the tape really showed no sign of strenght so i just got in with 100 shares. i still got about 40cents out if it which was ok. i wondered if i should let my last partial ride the wave and get out of breakeven at worst but i didnt , i should have. second trade another short on uber, went short on a pullback to the 9ma but it broke that and stopped out on above the 20ma, still green after this trade. then i shorted it again because it failed to hold a break above the vwap. not a very good entry, the spread was bigger at that moment. something to be more carefull of in premarket. my stop was at vwap which was not great. at drop i just partialed out 25% and this time i thought i let it reach my breakeven point, it hit my breakeven and for some reason price got higher suddenly and i got out with a loss, pity because it did drop down a lot not long after. this loss happened because i had a bad entry i think. when the market opened there were no shares for short available anymore so i didnt look at it anymore. at market open i traded aapl, first i shorted it 3 times... first time was entry at vwap, it went down though not really weak, my last partial was at breakeven, maybe that wasnt a good choice as it turned out to be justa bounce of vwap, i shorted it again though what i should have done is wait for a pullback as i let myself stop out of this. since it bounced again of vwap i thought ok now its gonna go lower.. i shorted again and got small profit but it didnt want to break lower so i got out again. then it went above the vwap but i didnt get in immediatly, i started to think that im stuck in a chop again. it formed an abcd so it did get in again, long this time, it went up but again didnt really make a continuous move. mu... well, that was a hotkey mistake, i shorted the stock with small share size and then i wanted to add some but in stead i got out of my position.. small loss but mu did make a nice move so that sucked. not sure why i didnt just get in again. i think i felt like i was starting to overtrade again. but seeing the stock move in my direction without me...it made me want to trade more.. so i did i was watching roku, i had my eye on a short position around 84,40 but was scared to get in, i think i have lost more on roku then any other stock so far. well it did drop and then i got in below vwap, letting me stop out above vwap, i got stopped out but looking at the tape and level2 it looked like it was gonna go lower, so i got short again above vwap this time, i was gonna stop out above the moving average which was a just above. i partialed out too much too soon i think, this time i didnt feel like letting my last partial come to my breakeven point again but offcourse thats when the stock makes a nice move afterwards... then i was looking a aapl too, i really moved with the spy, whatever the spy did apple did so kinda for fun i wanted to try if i could use that info, i made 3 trades on it, 3 times green but never a big move, last partial i always took breakeven, small sharesize so not much profit, i should have tried this with sim perhaps but at the time i didnt think of that. offcourse jus a few min later as i actually told myself now stop for the day aapl did make a nicer move. how i feel about my trades this time... mm, i want to focus on better entrys so i can have tighter stop and increasing chance for profit. my first trade of the day i felt bad for hesitating when i told myself now is the moment to get in yet i did not. hesitation and patience, one i have too much and the other i lack. .. i used quite small sharesizes today, this has the advantage of any loss is small too but when you partial out,.. the last parts has an almost insignificant P/L . this shouldnt matter offcourse since the process is more important but i still have a tendency to look at P/L during trades and it messes with my decisions. p/l was 120 but i think half of that will be gone to comission fees.
  13. 1 point
    Monday May 13th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. first trade of the day was a 2-minute ORBU in MU. it broke the HOTD but wasn't really pushing higher so i got out for a small loss. Should have taken a smaller size and gave it more room but i'm glad i limited my loss. GOOD: setup was good, limiting loss is better RFI: too big a share size for the range of MU at the open MOOD: good. CONSISTENT: yes. Next trade was a 5min ORBD in TEVA. i got in on a pullback on the 5min chart, risking above VWAP. it hit my stop and came back down so i waited a little but it pushed higher and i got stopped out for slightly more than i wanted to lose. GOOD: waited for a pullback and had a good resistance for my stop RFI: should get out at my stop once it hits it and gives me an out. MOOD: fine. CONSISTENT: yes. i was still short biased in TEVA so when i noticed it wasn't breaking the $13.00 level and made a shooting star on the 2min chart, i got in short. put in a range order for $13.01 to $12.65 and let it go. ended up hitting my profit target and went even lower. GOOD: perfect entry and good R/R. RFI: could have held a small amount for it to go lower. MOOD: good CONSISNENT: yes. Next trade i saw MU make an engulfing crack on the 5min chart. i meant to get in for 50 shares and give it some room but i hit the wrong hotkey and took a full size and ended up having to take a loss at a closer stop loss. GOOD: recognized a good setup. RFI: hotkey error. MOOD: ok CONSISTENT: no, can't make hotkey errors. I still liked the trade in MU so i got back in with a better entry and this one hit my profit target. i scaled out too much. one thing i did that i liked on this trade was that i set my range order on the last 20 shares to be at worse 2R from my entry and then at best right above the $37.04 level. i did this because i was tired of getting stopped out at my breakeven on my last piece. glad i used this strategy, i got 2R on the last part instead of break even. GOOD: got right back in a good trade. RFI: scaled too much MOOD: good CONSISTENT: yes. last trade of the day was a quick scalp in INTC. i saw it was making a sort of ABCD pattern and making new 5min highs so i got in at the new 5min high, a little above what i wante, i was hesitating trying to see how many shares to get. took 50 a little bit higher than i wanted and got all out at the daily level. GOOD: saw a trade setup and took it. RFI: hesitating on share size MOOD: good. CONSISTENT: yes, exactly to plan. What i did good today: didn't let my two stop outs effect the rest of my trading. What i did bad today: TEVA ORBD was too early of an entry. What can i do better tomorrow: always wait for a good entry, getting in early is too expensive. Other comments for tomorrow: i watched this youtube video last night about how to help with impulse entries and what this gentleman was saying really resonated with me. i'm too hard on myself when i get stopped out because i take it personally. so today i took the mindset of not worrying about getting stopped out and just moving on to the next trade and it really helped me keep calm and focused on getting the trades that made money. here's the link for anyone watching. i love how this guy is just in the woods giving trading advice:
  14. 1 point
    March 19, 2019 - Deja Vu - Maybe yesterday was an insight into today. I just noticed I put today's date on yesterday's post. It felt like I had the exact same day as yesterday. Good 5 min Orb and engulfing patterns, but not much for the 15 min orb. I figure I just reconfirming my discipline to stick my trading plan. I am hopeful tomorrow will be different. Sample Set Results P G S G S 6 7 8 S S P G G S G S S 18 19 20
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