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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2019 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    April 22, 2019 - $AMD (Stopped) I had a good setup for the 15 minute opening range breakdown. All my indicators and confirmations were present for the strategy and I saw the double bottom form around 9:45 mark which failed to break through the VWAP. I took an entry when the 5 minute candle engulfed which occurred around the same price as the stock breaking the 15 minute opening range. It was an A1 setup that just did not breakdown. I stopped out at my planned stop. The only thing I should have done differently, was exited after the stock bounced twice off of 27.45 within the same 1 min candle with high bids. I have traded $AMD enough to know that the stock usually reverses direction when this occurs. Overall it was a good trade and I did not violate any of my rules. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 S 16 17 18 19 20
  2. 2 points
    great job not getting chopped up. a black day is always better than a red!
  3. 1 point
    Tuesday April 23rd, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. First trade of the day was an ORBD in VZ. my plan was to get in at the previous, previous day low and risk it popping above the VWAP. I was too fearful to get in right at that level but ended up going short a little bit lower which would have been fine but i didn't change my Risk level so my first sell at the LOTD wasn't favorable. i took half off because it was hesitating and the rest at breakeven. GOOD: got some profit on the trade. RFI: stop is too far again. CONSISTENT: yes MOOD: good. Then i took the double bottom reversal in VZ but again i was too scared to get in at a good R/R and instead chased it and got a bad r/r and i ended up not taking any profits at the PPDL level and i held on way too long thinking "it will turn around" which it did and i got out at my stop loss. GOOD: good setup. RFI: FOMO entry lead to bad R/R which lead to a full stop out. MOOD: good, i still have a lot of psychological work to do CONSISTENT: i got out at my stop but i shouldn't have been so firm on my profit target. I should have stopped trading after this because it did rattle me a little bit. i ended up trying to take an ABCD in ROKU. My first instinct was to short it as a double top but i've been burned so many times i stuck to trading long. It is amateur trading to associate older trades with this trade because every trade is unique. i should have just waited to see which way it was going to break instead of guessing. i got out on a new 5min low against my position. glad i did because it ran to my stop. GOOD: got out on price action. RFI: associating older trades to this trade. guessing which direction instead of waiting for a signal. MOOD: fine, happy for the small loss. CONSISTENT: yes. Ok day of trading today. worse than yesterday but i wouldn't say i did a bad job. turns out after i finished my ROKU trade that i noticed i was in SIM all morning so none of these trades went to my real P&L. After i realized i was in SIM i took a couple more trades, all winners that put me well in the green for the day. that shows i still have a lot of psychological work to go but i am getting better, it's just a slow process. What I did good today: two of my three trades were in the right direction. What I did bad today: still too cautious on my stop loss. What can i do better tomorrow: either stick with your original entry plan or adjust your stop so that you can get a good R/R that is achievable.
  4. 1 point
    4/23/2019 A bit frustrated because I gave all of my gains back for the day. Misread $CGC and paid dearly for it. I shouldn't have shorted there with it not really claiming the 9MA (purple line) 5-minute and with VWAP as support. Other trades I've taken there long for a bounce off the 1-minute moving averages. Even with my short strategy off the moving averages, that entry was super late. Other trades were great although $HAS chopped around. Should've stopped after making the two trades on $WHR/$KSS. Was well up for the day. Still a positive day, though. $KSS 4/23/2019 $WHR 4/23/2019 $HAS 4/23/2019 $CGC 4/23/2019 EDIT: Yeah, $HAS was trash. Made the move a few minutes later.
  5. 1 point
    4/22/2019 Preparing for the trading challenge. Think I'm in a good place mentality for it. Got chopped up by $MSCO and lost my gains. Almost got caught in a nasty wash down as well but stopped out before that happened. Kept trying to catch the move down and after two attempts I left it alone. Still working on my sizing, but definitely on the super upside today. Made some great trades, but also cut some off too early. $SQ 4/22/2019 $HAL 4/22/2019 $MDSO 4/22/2019
  6. 1 point
    Monday April 22nd, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: happy for the long weekend to clear my head. ready to trade. first trade of the day was a ORBD in AMD. i waited for a pullback to the MAs on the 1min chart and got in. got out a minute later on a new 5min high towards the 200 MA on the 1min. it was at about half my stop loss when i got out but since it made a new 5min high i didn't want to stay in the trade. i should have waited to see if it was going to pop and a new 1min low before getting in short. it didn't matter either way, it ended up going higher. GOOD: got out with a small loss. RFI: too early on the entry. MOOD: good, happy to limit my losses. CONSISTENT: yes. last trade of the day was an ABCD in AMD. I wasn't watching when it made a new 5min high at 10:15 so i missed the first push. i got in at the moving average on the 1min chart. i put my stop loss too wide and though i sold at the profit target, i didn't make much money on the trade. i got spooked out of my last 25% on the spinning top to new 5min low. i should have waited to see if the previous day high was going to provide support. GOOD: sold at profit target. got a great entry. RFI: risk level was too large. i was hoping to get in at or around PDC but i should have used that for my stop loss. MOOD: good, happy with trade, otherwise. CONSISTENT: yes. Happy with my trading today. limited my loss on my first trade and my second trade had a great entry. i'm probably a little in the red with commissions but all in all a good trading day. What I did good today: emotional control on both trades was much better than last week. What i did bad today: too wide of a stop loss on my first trade. What can i do better tomorrow: need to adjust your stop by what the market is saying, not what i want it to be. Other comments for tomorrow: Keep working on emotional control and making good trades.
  7. 1 point
    Monday 4/22/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. Nerves were a little on the bad side, mainly due to a double S/O on Thursday. Took one live trade on AAPL. I wasn’t too crazy about much in the premarket, then just before open AAPL reached 120k shares and 0.5% gap which is enough to call AAPL in play for my setups. I was looking at MU and AMD after open as well, but AAPL is the only one that setup. AAPL had a really good “Vish” setup when it broke VWAP, but there were too many TLs near it to take the trade. So I waited for the price to clear the other TLs, but then the trade becomes a “step” setup which normally you have to wait for the finish of the 2min candle, unless there are really strong TLs to break. There were three TLs, a daily TL, 1min candle wick and 50MA all at same price. That was too powerful of a combined level to wait, so I took the trade when it broke all of those 3 levels. What AAPL looked like when I took the trade: 1min chart 5min chart Checklist showed a very strong setup: There we a lot of good TLs to take partials on. The first partial was on the high of premarket. Next was the 203.39 level, then I usually take partials at the half dollar, which I did. Then another partial at the next level at 203.87. At that point I had so few shares left that I exited at the next level $204, which happen to be the peak of the run. Since I got more than one dollar from AAPL I was done for the day. What I did good today: Was able to adapt my setup for what the market gave to me. How did I challenge myself today? Correctly took partials on all the correct levels. A lot of emotions to take or not take the partials since there were so many levels. What I did bad today: Had chart configuration issues again. Just noticed right before opening. I should have checked an hour before. What can I do better tomorrow: I need to keep working on my chart configuration. Unsure why it is not stable. Need to find issue and resolve it quickly.
  8. 1 point
    Glad to hear it. Same thing with me. SIM is really good for testing out strategies, but I never felt that it helps with psychology. I think it teaches me poor discipline. So I shy away from using it.
  9. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 4/19/19. A good week. Both my health and my nerves improved. My first week, since I have gone live, that all may trades I evaluated as “good” trades. Not necessarily winners. Just trades that I followed my setup and execution rules. Stuck to my new 2 trades/day max. Even after my double stop out yesterday, I had no trouble sticking to my rule. My max trades per day are so ingrained into my brain now. Revenge trading seems to be under control now. It took 10 months to get it under control, but for my personality, that was fast!! Since all my trades are trending toward mostly good now (note the table below), I think the 3 tier trade critique does not have enough resolution anymore and I need to develop a new scale. Up until recent I really had three types of trades, 1) being completely stupid (usually trade without a setup), 2) not stupid, but still not following rules or 3) following rules. Now that I have been, for the majority of recent trades, following my rules, I will create a score card and start to evaluate my trades closer. So I can start fine tuning. I like the way Mark D does his trade evaluations and I will use it as a base and modify it a little to fit my style of trades. My trade evaluation by week: I usually increase my risk per trade at the beginning of each month (if the previous month was positive and void of hulk days). But, I also had a rule that had never been satisfied. If I go a week that has positive equity and I followed my rules on every trade, I will increase my risk/trade. So next week I will increase my risk/trade from $36 to $42. So next week I need to create a way to give each of my trades a score. Follow my rules and see how I handle the higher risk. I must keep are sharp eye on my chart configuration. I will be checking it twice a week. Still kicking myself that my chart configuration was wrong yesterday. Happy Easter!
  10. 1 point
    Week 16 Recap Amateur trading Wednesday and Thursday. The worst part about this week for me is how I’m starting to slip back in to letting my losers run past my intended stop. Another bad habit that’s starting to creep back in to my trading is trying to force my opinion of being right by taking the same trade repeatedly when I can see after the fact that it was against the trend. I have several other issues but those are the two that are doing the most damage so I’m focusing on those for now. My plan for next week was to go back to SIM but I’ve decided that part of my issue is that my fear of losing money is causing my bad trading and the only way to overcome that is work on being consistent and sticking to my rules in real trading so I’m not going back to sim. I am going to only take two losers on Monday. Other changes are; I’ve removed the daily chart. I don’t think it’s helping and it’s only making be biased. I’ve eliminated my unrealized P&L on screen so I can focus on the price action and not how much I’m up or down. I’ve removed the 5min MA from all charts, so my charts are less busy. Hope everyone has a happy Easter! · Weekly stats o 2.5 R/R (Goal: above 2.0) [Previous Week: 1.7] o 32/48 67% (Goal: above 80%) [Previous Week: 58%] o -$89.76 (Goal: $250) [Previous Week: -$23.10] o 5/12 42% trades with the trend (Goal: 100%) [Previous Week: 70%] o 6/12 50% Non-optimal Entries (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: N/A] o 3/12 25% Letting Losers Run (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 10%] o 2/12 17% No Setup (Goal: 0%) [Previous Week: 20%] · Highlights o Risk management on my BX trade was on point. · Ongoing things to work on o Forcing trades in the wrong direction, especially after getting stopped out. o Taking the same trade again after getting stopped out. o Letting losers run to my auto-stop of 1.8R. Work on always getting out at stop. o Kicking myself for my bonehead CRON and QCOM trades.
  11. 1 point
    April 18, 2019 - Nothing I had limited time for trading this morning. I was watching $CRON and $BX. There was a possible setup on $CRON, but I was not comfortable with the price action around VWAP, so I choose to sit on the sidelines. $BX was to crazy of price action for me to get in. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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