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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Live trading summary for week ending 4/19/19. A good week. Both my health and my nerves improved. My first week, since I have gone live, that all may trades I evaluated as “good” trades. Not necessarily winners. Just trades that I followed my setup and execution rules. Stuck to my new 2 trades/day max. Even after my double stop out yesterday, I had no trouble sticking to my rule. My max trades per day are so ingrained into my brain now. Revenge trading seems to be under control now. It took 10 months to get it under control, but for my personality, that was fast!! Since all my trades are trending toward mostly good now (note the table below), I think the 3 tier trade critique does not have enough resolution anymore and I need to develop a new scale. Up until recent I really had three types of trades, 1) being completely stupid (usually trade without a setup), 2) not stupid, but still not following rules or 3) following rules. Now that I have been, for the majority of recent trades, following my rules, I will create a score card and start to evaluate my trades closer. So I can start fine tuning. I like the way Mark D does his trade evaluations and I will use it as a base and modify it a little to fit my style of trades. My trade evaluation by week: I usually increase my risk per trade at the beginning of each month (if the previous month was positive and void of hulk days). But, I also had a rule that had never been satisfied. If I go a week that has positive equity and I followed my rules on every trade, I will increase my risk/trade. So next week I will increase my risk/trade from $36 to $42. So next week I need to create a way to give each of my trades a score. Follow my rules and see how I handle the higher risk. I must keep are sharp eye on my chart configuration. I will be checking it twice a week. Still kicking myself that my chart configuration was wrong yesterday. Happy Easter!
  2. 1 point
    Thursday 4/18/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. Nerves were OK. An interesting day. From a monetary standpoint today was my worse day in 6 weeks. But from a trading quality, I think it was OK. I took two live trades today, first one with MU and the second with AAPL. I was stopped out on both. I first thought that this was just the law of averages since my last 8 trades were all winners. Though I am not trying to count winners and losers at this point of my learning, one thing was nice about it. I am still on the fence if I am going to make it as a trader. I really don’t know if I am actually forming the skills yet. But it did make me think. It is difficult to have a streak of 8 winners completely on luck alone. So it made me think I may have acquired, at least, some of the basic skills. I had to end my trading day (I had a busy morning planned), so I could only briefly go over my trades this morning. Both looked like OK trades that happen not to work out. That bothered me during the day for the MU trade. Because it was a REALLY good setup. Yes they can still fail, but it made me start to second guess my setup. Finally, now I was able to examine the trade very carefully and I saw the issue. MU had a really good “Vish” setup and I needed to wait for the break 43.15 tech level. It had great TLs below it to take partials. When it broke, I shorted. It stopped twice on a level that seemed invisible and reversed and I got stopped out. Now looking at it closely, somehow the 200MA on my 5min chart got inadvertently changed to my 9MA color/line. It was supposed to be a dark thick line. I thought it was the 9MA. So there was no setup. If the chart was configured correctly I would have not have taken the trade at that moment and waited for the break of the 200MA (which occurred 4 minutes later). At first I got quite angry but got over it in a minute, because now I know why the trade didn’t work. So based on the data I had I did make the correct decision. So I will accept this as an OK trade. I saw setup that satisfied my checklist. I waited for the correct entry and I S/O at the planned spot. 5min chart 1min chart The next trade was with AAPL on a 5min ORB. I was waiting for the 5min candle to finish, but on the 4min candle the price made a new high so I went long. The price immediately reversed and broke the 203.39 TL which was my S/O point. Technically I took the share amount that 5c below that level was my S/O. But for a $200 stock it’s not easy to stop on the correct penny. So I S/O 2c too early. The price immediately reversed on my S/O and made it to my 1st partial. In hind sight I can easily say I should have waited for the 5min candle to finish. I would have gotten a better entry and gotten two partials before being S/O. But, honestly I have not done well so far on the classic entry for the 5min ORB. I have been doing better on an early entry setup, where I enter on the new high. But my sample set is still well too small to make any conclusions. So I followed my current setup, waited for the entry and S/O very close to the planned spot. So I will call this trade OK as well. What I did good today: Felt zero revenge after the two stop outs. Never thought for a second to take another trade. I took my max two trades and the trading day was over. How did I challenge myself today? Searched for answer why the MU trade didn’t work instead of my initial reaction that it just didn’t work out. What I did bad today: Not happy that I had my chart configured incorrectly. What can I do better tomorrow: I need to check the configuration of my charts more often. Yes, I am completely at fault for the MU trade. There is no excuse for having my charts configured wrong. Your platform setup is the easiest part of trading and thus no tolerance for carelessness.
  3. 1 point
    April 18, 2019 - Nothing I had limited time for trading this morning. I was watching $CRON and $BX. There was a possible setup on $CRON, but I was not comfortable with the price action around VWAP, so I choose to sit on the sidelines. $BX was to crazy of price action for me to get in. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  4. 1 point
    Sigh.. more mistakes, lol. Should've been a great positive day, but fell short. Chickened out twice on $CGC and the last time I didn't take profits at the break of the 50MA and suffered smaller profits. $STNE.. sigh.. Chickened out and missed a huge drop. $ROKU traded perfectly. $WTR.. sigh again... Cut it off before it made a great move. Gotta do better. I cut many trades off at the 9/20MA 1-minute right before moves happen. Just didn't exit as good as my entries today. $CGC 4/18/2019 $STNE 4/18/2019 $WTR 4/18/2019 $ROKU 4/18/2019
  5. 1 point
    Thursday April 18th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. First trade of the day was BX. i got in right at the break higher, sold half when it stalled out and the rest when it made a new 1min low at my breakeven. glad i got out becuase it dropped hard! GOOD: entry, R/R and trade management RFI: could have held longer and sold more when i had the chance MOOD: great, really happy with how I handled that trade. CONSISTENT: yes. The last trades i hulked out a little bit. I noticed in the pre-market that if CRON came down to the PPDH that would potentially be a good place to take a long position. I noticed it did exactly what i thought it would at 9:46. i waited for it to come back to the 16.40 level but i got impatient and decided i would take half size and put my stop at the level i wanted my entry. it came all the way down to it and i got stopped out. then i tried the same trade again, with the stock making new 5min lows below VWAP, i didn't get much better entry the second time either and then held past my $10 stop. then i gave it one last try right at where i wanted my original entry giving it to the LOTD, again it crossed my stop loss and i held for another big loss. GOOD: stopped trading. RFI: amateur trading forcing my opinion to be right when it was clearly wrong. MOOD: not that bad, i'm working on positive acceptance of my mistakes. CONSISTENT: big no! Another max loss day. and i broke my rule of only two losses allowed after a max loss day. i'm going back in to sim for the remainder of the month. I'm breaking my rules, letting losers run, and forcing my trades and i hit my max monthly loss so it's back to sim to try and work on my emotional control before stepping back in to real trading. What i did good today: Great trade management in BX. What i did bad today: CRON trades were about as bad as they could be What can i do better tomorrow: need to focus on trading with the trend and focus getting out of trades that aren't working Other comments for tomorrow: Back to SIM until i'm making better trades.
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