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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/18/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Sigh.. more mistakes, lol. Should've been a great positive day, but fell short. Chickened out twice on $CGC and the last time I didn't take profits at the break of the 50MA and suffered smaller profits. $STNE.. sigh.. Chickened out and missed a huge drop. $ROKU traded perfectly. $WTR.. sigh again... Cut it off before it made a great move. Gotta do better. I cut many trades off at the 9/20MA 1-minute right before moves happen. Just didn't exit as good as my entries today. $CGC 4/18/2019 $STNE 4/18/2019 $WTR 4/18/2019 $ROKU 4/18/2019
  2. 2 points
    Thursday April 18th, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. First trade of the day was BX. i got in right at the break higher, sold half when it stalled out and the rest when it made a new 1min low at my breakeven. glad i got out becuase it dropped hard! GOOD: entry, R/R and trade management RFI: could have held longer and sold more when i had the chance MOOD: great, really happy with how I handled that trade. CONSISTENT: yes. The last trades i hulked out a little bit. I noticed in the pre-market that if CRON came down to the PPDH that would potentially be a good place to take a long position. I noticed it did exactly what i thought it would at 9:46. i waited for it to come back to the 16.40 level but i got impatient and decided i would take half size and put my stop at the level i wanted my entry. it came all the way down to it and i got stopped out. then i tried the same trade again, with the stock making new 5min lows below VWAP, i didn't get much better entry the second time either and then held past my $10 stop. then i gave it one last try right at where i wanted my original entry giving it to the LOTD, again it crossed my stop loss and i held for another big loss. GOOD: stopped trading. RFI: amateur trading forcing my opinion to be right when it was clearly wrong. MOOD: not that bad, i'm working on positive acceptance of my mistakes. CONSISTENT: big no! Another max loss day. and i broke my rule of only two losses allowed after a max loss day. i'm going back in to sim for the remainder of the month. I'm breaking my rules, letting losers run, and forcing my trades and i hit my max monthly loss so it's back to sim to try and work on my emotional control before stepping back in to real trading. What i did good today: Great trade management in BX. What i did bad today: CRON trades were about as bad as they could be What can i do better tomorrow: need to focus on trading with the trend and focus getting out of trades that aren't working Other comments for tomorrow: Back to SIM until i'm making better trades.
  3. 2 points
    April 17, 2019 - $MU & $AMD (Stopped x 3) Painful day today. I definitely did not execute my trades well. All three trades, I did not do any risk to reward analysis prior to entering. The worse of the three was $AMD. I entered without a profit target or any basic analysis, just that I looked over and saw the 1 minute chart looked good for an entry, so I entered. I was also in the second $MU trade at the same time. I cannot think of a time live that I have traded two stocks at the same time. Anyways, I exited $MU before my stop because I loss faith in it, not that there was really a technical level to get out and focused on $AMD. Once I did that I realized I probably should not be in the $AMD trade either, so I exited. The one thing that you cannot see on the $AMD chart is that price action was moving towards VWAP. I will say the one thing I am proud of is that I did not go past my daily max loss and I truly was not bothered by the monetary losses, it was more that I was not executing my entries and risk to reward analysis. I think I was forcing the trades instead of letting the setup develop, because looking back it looks like I was stopping out when I should have been entering. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  4. 1 point
    Great risk management on $BX. I was watching $BX too but the price action was to crazy for my tolerance level to get in.
  5. 1 point
    April 18, 2019 - Nothing I had limited time for trading this morning. I was watching $CRON and $BX. There was a possible setup on $CRON, but I was not comfortable with the price action around VWAP, so I choose to sit on the sidelines. $BX was to crazy of price action for me to get in. Sample Set Results P G S P E S P P P S G 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
  6. 1 point
    Thanks Mark. About two weeks ago I lowered my % on my first two partials. Leaves me with more shares in case it runs. I have had so many trades fizzle after the first partial that I was taking higher and higher % on my first partial. A bad habit I am trying to break.
  7. 1 point
    hi Rob, great job holding on to your trades! i've noticed the last week or two you've been giving your trades some room to run
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    Also, that spike on QCOM had me thinking it was gonna go up, lol. Fake out for sure.
  10. 1 point
    Made some good trades and some bad ones. Over traded as well. I think I'm beginning to get long biased on trades now. Trying to be neutral and be able to see both sides. I took $QCOM to the long/short side and came out overall positive. However, burned myself twice trying to catch the bottom of the pullback at the open. $CGC was a screw up. $INTC just didn't work out. $UNH faked me out. $ROKU was a good'n, but didn't let it reach it's potential. Still in a good place. I'm ready for the next few days where I'm smackin' these winners and cutting my losers off in time. $QCOM 4/17/2019 $UNH 4/17/2019 $INTC 4/17/2019 $CGC 4/17/2019 $ROKU 4/17/2019
  11. 1 point
    Wednesday April 17th, 2019 Sleep: 7.5 hours. Mood: good, ready to trade. First trade of the day was in QCOM. i was very long biased on QCOM because i've tried shorting strong stocks in the past and i've been burned bad so i try and keep with the daily trend. the problem is this bias is bad too. QCOM ran up great in the first five minutes. i thought about shorting but it seemeed like a bad idea to risk it so i waited for a long oppurtunity. it sold off to $79.50 then came back up to VWAP. i was hoping to catch it going higher, risking the previous 5min low to one of the levels i had marked on the daily chart. it did and algo jump at 9:54 that i did not like and once it made a new 5min low i bailed for a small loss. glad i did it hit my stop. GOOD: waited for the 5min trend to not make a new 5min low. RFI: pretty happy with this trade. the only thing is i was banking on a V reversal that doesn't happen very often. MOOD: good, glad i handled that as well as i did. CONSISTENT: yes. After that good trade, i turned around and took some greedy trades with bad stop losses in QCOM. i was hoping for a pop over VWAP but i put my stop loss way too close and got stopped out. that was ok, i respected my stop. GOOD: respected stop. RFI: greed, no setup, stop too close. MOOD: ok CONSISTENT: yes, i respected my stop. Then i took the same trade again as i was convinced it was going to pop. it did but it didn't quite get to my profit target so i held. then i got no follow through and held past my stop. Glad i hit max stop loss because i am very frustrated about my trading choices today. GOOD: got out before the auto stop RFI: no setup, greed, held past stop loss. MOOD: frustrated. CONSISTENT: no. What i did good today: took a good trade in QCOM to start the day What i did bad today: let my long bias and greed get out of control. hit max loss. What can i do better tomorrow: no bias on the trade, just look for good setups. Respect your stops. Other comments for tomorrow: two losses only tomorrow per my rules. i'm going to have to go back to using range orders with my profit/stop loss because I'm making a habit of letting my losers run again.
  12. 1 point
    Wednesday 4/17/2019 I had a well-being score of 5/10 this morning. Nerves were OK. I took one live trade today with AAPL. Probably my most stressful winning trade to date. The price was 2c away from S/O even times. My finger on the Sell All button for the whole trade. Even when the price finally broke out I was still in high stress mode for the remaining 5min waiting to sell my last piece. And for most of the trade SPY was dropping adding to the strain. AAPL made a nice “Vish” setup pattern. Though “powered by” was on the weak side. It did have a slight increase in 1min volume and the 2min candle engulfed the premarket 2min candle (though I usually like the 2min candle engulf the 5min candle). I have updated the setup that the wick needs to be double the size of the candle body to be called a “Vish”. I waited for the price to break the 50MA and went long. Looks like it wasn’t a clear break when I took the trade and reversed back to my S/O twice. I held on and even though it didn’t make it to my 1st partial target (which was the recent premarket high) I took an early partial since I thought the trade was going to fizzle. But that partial was the 5min high, so not too bad. I have a new rule with AAPL after the 1st partial B/E is not my S/O if there is a major TL just below B/E. So instead of B/E I moved my S/O to the $200 level, which it promptly touched twice. Then the price finally reached my planned 1st partial where I still took a partial. Again I thought this trade would S/O at any moment. But, again that was the 5min high. I then moved my S/O to the 9MA, which the price promptly touched 3 times. Then I took another partial at the same level, again I thought this trade would S/O at any moment. But then the price finally broke out. I took another partial for no good reason, then finally took my 5th partial at my planned 2nd partial level. Then waited about 5min and took my last piece at the $201 level. 5min chart when I took the trade: What I did good today: Held onto my trade even after 7 near miss S/Os. How did I challenge myself today? Successfully used the AAPL only rule for S/O levels. What I did bad today: Took 3 extra partials. Seems every time I had a near S/O experience the next pop I took a partial. What can I do better tomorrow: It’s easy to say, “take less partials.” But I need to determine a strategy to accomplish that.
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