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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    March 13, 2019 - Nothing I did not get a live trade in today. I did however, take 2 sim trades on $AMD. 1st one was a 5 min ORBO, but I got out after about a minute so I could focus on looking for a good 15 minute ORB trade to take live. I did not get it, so I took my 2nd Sim trade on a bearish engulfing crack on $AMD. I exited the second time as I had to start work. Had I been in a live trade I would have set a limit Range order. Looking forward to tomorrow to hopefully get a good live trade in. Sample Set Results P G S G S 6 7 8 S S P G G S G S 17 18 19 20
  2. 1 point
    March 14, 2019 - $FTI (Stopped Out) Today is an example of why you need to make sure the stock you are trading is in play. Looking back I should have dropped this in the pre-market screening and never put it on my watch list. With that said I traded the stock correctly, except I was unhappy with myself for hanging onto a loser to long. The proper exit should have been when the stock failed to make a new 5 minute low. Although this was before my planned stop, all the indicators were saying "it's a loser get out." Sample Set Results P G S G S 6 7 8 S S P G G S G S S 18 19 20
  3. 1 point
    Thank you, This is going to be my next career, it just taking a little longer than I thought to get the hang of it. Luckily for me I still have about a year before I loss my current income.
  4. 1 point
    Thursday 3/14/2019 My nerves were especially bad this morning, but I don’t want to use it as an excuse for today. I just traded sloppy and need to make adjustments. I carelessly missed a veto rule and made a hot key mistake. I had a wellbeing score of 5/10. Revised my no trades before 9:31:45 rule to increasing the stop out point if trades are taken before then. I won’t change the tech level I choose to stop out on just accept a few more ticks beyond it before I exit and thus reduce my share size to compensate and still have the same $30 risk. My one allowable trade today was with AAPL. My APPL checklist: But I actually made a hot key mistake and doubled my short. I didn’t notice until 2 minutes later when I tried to take MU long and couldn’t. I only have one Montage to prevent myself from trading more than one stock at the time. So that is when I noticed I still had lots of AAPL shares open. I hit the panic key. Nothing happen. I even opened the hot key setup to double check and tried again. Nothing happen. Looking back I assume I forgot to highlight the montage. Then surprisingly I calmed down and started reading my trade log to see what is going on. I saw a cover all should work and it did. AAPL was in play with good volume and I was short biased before the open. It created a nice step setup and had a good first and second target, so I took the trade as it broke the 50MA. Now it is quite embarrassing that I need to journal this on the BBT site, but again my tunnel vision did not see an obvious level just below my entry point. You can see on the chart its incredibly obvious. But, even when I verbally recorded my checklist before I took the trade I didn’t list it as a TL. Just after the I took the trade, my tunnel vision broadened a bit and I saw it. I should have exited the trade immediately or when it hit the TL, but instead I took a partial at the TL and tried to fully exit as it passed the 50MA. So with taking the bad trade, the hot key mistake and missing out on MU, which could have been my trade of the week, I had to shut my platform down and walk away. It took about 2 hours for I finally being calm and was rational about it. Luckily, I do remember quite clearly what happen. I will make adjustments to my layout to reduce the hot key issue, and find a better color/line for me to see these tech levels even when I have tunnel vision. But with the bad trade and hot key error I feel lucky I only had a loss of -0.5R today. It could have been a lot worse. What I did good today: I did finally recover from hot key mistake. How did I challenge myself today? New 9:31:45 time rule What I did bad today: Inadvertently broke veto rule. Hot key mistake What can I do better next tomorrow: I need to update my layout before open tomorrow.
  5. 1 point
    candlesticksmadeeasy (1).pdf Hey guys, my friend, a very happy options trader, sent me this book on candlestick analysis. Some of what is in here is covered in Andrew's videos, and some of it is new -- and he goes into a "how and why it works" explanation when discussing candlestick patterns. A few people in the chat wanted to read it so I am posting it here. Enjoy
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    3/13/2019 Another good day. Made some good trades. Didn't take profits on a trade and turned into a loser. Cut winners off before allowing them to run. Cut a trade off I didn't have to and missed big profits $PDD - Was looking for the ORBD at open. I wanted to short here after the first 5-minutes and close below the 9MA 5-minute. Perfect set up. I went short 100 shares, but didn't get filled. Price action left me. : ( $PDD - I closed the failed order and waited for a pullback, went short 75 shares near the 9MA 1-minute feeling some consolidation and no strong move up. Price action pushed down and then squeezed the next minute. Stopped out at the 20MA 1-minute. Got back in for short 75 shares again after the price action closed below the 9MA 5-minute and didn't break the 20MA 1-minute. Waited a few minutes and got a small move down, but felt like the price action was stalling. Covered my position. Price action fell off a cliff from there. Missed a big one. I think my entries were solid, but definitely bummed on missing the big move. Covered too early, but didn't want to get caught in a squeeze either. $ROKU - First trade, was looking for the move down to the 20MA 5-minute and got it. My signal as the roll over on the 5-minute and the price action closing under the 9MA 1-minute. Went short 75 shares with a stop above the previous candle. Covered everything at the 20MA 5-minute. Perfect trade. $ROKU - Price action came back down on $ROKU and close under the 9MA 5-minute. Before that, got some chop in the price action, but I waited for that close below the 9MA 5-minute to give me a good stop loss point. I went 75 shares again and covered near low of day. Could've squeezed more out of that move, but didn't want to get greedy. $ROKU - Took another trade on $ROKU this time looking for a 9MA 5-minute fade. Shorted 75 shares, got a move down and didn't covered. Stopped out for a loss. Waited for another opportunity. Waited for a close below VWAP, but then got a late entry. Shorted 100 shares and looked for the move down near low of day. Covered everything once I got a decent move. After looking at the bigger picture of $ROKU throughout the trading day, scaling out would have reaped huge rewards. $CRON - Had some good opportunities. Nice close below VWAP/9MA 5-minute for a big drop. $MOMO - Had some opportunities for 9MA 5-minute plays too. Result:
  8. 1 point
    March 13th P&L After Commissions: $-111 Trades: 9 Terrible day of trading. 3 losses accounted for the majority of my day, and dumb mistakes were made. It was a very slow day for me. I wasn't a fan of the gappers watchlist and I wasn't patient enough to wait for the perfect setup. $CRON - Thought it would be a VWAP break. Saw the moving average on the 5 min but still took it regardless. I then held too long on the trade. I wanted to give it a chance to move and when I exited it was at the top. I then swapped my position thinking that since it was going to break down below VWAP that I could take it long. That trade didn't work out and I exited that one appropriately. $ROKU - This was the mistake of the day. There was no reason to be in this trade. I was impulsive and thought it would bounce off the 200SMA as it had for the past 20 min. Also was holding under the moving averages on the 5 min. The trade did push back down a little but couldn't break under the EMAs on the one. I was ready to exit the trade. The spread was about 5 cents on this stock. So about $5 on my 100 shares. A little more than you want to see, but not a deal breaker. I was ready to exit the stock, but instead of exiting. I kept trying to set a limit to get a good fill and a good exit. I didn't want to eat the $5 spread. I had a few opportunities to exit for a $5 loss but chose not to. The stock then moved up to $15 loss and I chose not to exit there but instead set a limit order to fill. It popped up again and I moved my limit order up. I was chasing the stock with my exit. I was setting a trailing stop in the wrong direction. I kept worrying about the $5 that eventually the stock popped up to a $30 loss and I had to exit with a market order. I do sometimes record my trading session and I did record this one. I've attached some of the screenshots from the recording showing with me trying to get a good fill on the exit instead of just taking the minimal loss to begin with. My second limit order is where the first exit would have been if I just did a market order! When its time to exit a trade, I need to exit the trade! $CRON - I was trading my P&L at this point. I was up about $35 on this trade but didn't take any profits. I was hoping for a bigger move and wanted to capitalize with having a full amount of shares. Was shooting for it to break below LOD and down to $21. Exited near B/E. $ACB - Another bad trade. I was trying to make my money back and I took this ACB because it looked like it could be short. No reason to be in this trade either. Originally had 300 shares and added another 100 at the 50SMA. Very poor trading today.
  9. 1 point
    Wednesday 3/13/2019 My nerves, before the open are still improving. But were worse during my first trade. I had a wellbeing score of 5/10. My allowable two trades were with ACB and AAPL. My ACB checklist: ACB, just after I went long on the 5min chart.This was a nice “Simple” 2min ORB with the 2min candle engulfing the 5min premarket candle: The order flow was great, but shortly after I took the trade the price action started to get jumpy. So I took an early partial, at a slight profit, to lower my risk. Then I tried to exit at B/E but got a slow fill and was below my entry. ACB was setting up again at the 5min ORB (and did have a good run), but I am not able to trade the same stock twice yet. I can’t trust myself that it may be revenge trading. Then I was looking for a 5min ORB. AMD was setting up the best of the stocks I was looking at, but I am so worried about getting into a rut with trading AMD every day I have been shying away from it. Even though AMD had a good run, AAPL had a good setup as well. AAPL did have a large wick, but I liked the mini ABCD pattern from the open (on the 1min chart) and I liked the ABCD from premarket on the 5min chart. So I waited for the price to bounce off of VWAP and above a tech level just above VWAP and I went long. The risk/reward was good using the high of the day as a target and VWAP as the S/O. Very quickly the price punched through VWAP and I got stopped out. What I did good today: Actually, I thought these were two OK trades today. They just didn’t pan out. But I kept to my stop loss and so minimal cost to me. Kept to my 1+1 trade/day rule. How did I challenge myself today? Took a partial to lower risk, which helped. I usually have trouble doing that. What I did bad today: Still taking trades a bit too early. What can I do better next tomorrow: I shouldn’t have thrown out the idea of trading AMD because I think I am trading it too much.
  10. 1 point
    Wednesday March 13th, 2019 Sleep: 8 hours. Mood: good, happy to be back to trading. First trade of the day was in ACB. it was an ORBU but i waited for a full break of the wick before entering. sold 75% at 2R and got out the rest at b/e. looks like Carlos also took that trade but got a better entry, i'm guessing he saw that 1min candle at 9:34 and then got in when it bought up over the MAs and made a new 1min high. I was only right on half my trades last week so i'm comfortable making as sure as i can the trade is going to work before getting in so long as i can still get a 2:1 R/R. GOOD: good entry, good R/R RFI: probably should have just got out completely but there's no way to know before hand MOOD: good. CONSISTENT: yes, followed the trade as planned. Next trade was again in ACB. it engulfed and then sold below VWAP and then made a new 5min low so i was comfortable with this going lower. Once i was in the trade i realized i wasn't really at a good enough R/R and it engulfed above the VWAP and made a new 5min high against so i got out. i thought it was going to pop back to my stop loss so i got out with a .6R. this trade ended up working and not hitting my stop but at the time it was looking like it was likely going to stop me out. i realized after this trade that this is sympathy trading with CRON. GOOD: i'm comfortable with this small loss even though i was right on the trade. RFI: don't deviate from the plan. accept your stop loss or don't take the trade. MOOD: fine. CONSISTENT: not my best trade, 1.2 R/R and didn't follow the plan. also no setup. going with not consistent on this one. A couple of minutes after i got out of the last short in ACB. it sold off on serious volume. i waited for a pullback and got in risking a new 5min high to the open price. I could have waited for a better entry at the VWAP but it would have only been better by 5 cents or so which is significant but i'm not going to get on myself about getting perfect entries. it was wavering for a bit with no one in clear control. i set a range order and left it so i wouldn't overthink it and it came down to my profit target. i got all out because it was not very bearish so i thought if it did hit my profit target i should get all out. GOOD: good entry, good R/R RFI: could have had a better entry and a little bit better target (LOTD instead) MOOD: happy the trade worked CONSISTENT: yes. What i did good today: kept my emotions in check and made sure i was in the trades with the trend. What i did bad today: my second trade could have been better. even though i made sure it was trending down, it's typically a bad idea to get right in at a new 5min break. in my opinion at least, it seems like i can almost always get a better entry if i'm patient. What can i do better tomorrow: patience on entries. Other comments for tomorrow: keep working on making sure you're trading with the trend.
  11. 1 point
    Thanks Brian, that is around the number I come up with. I do almost all limit orders so ECN fees should not be as bad as commissions. In my example it was a tough day so this is probably the extreme. Some days I'm sure I'll only have 10 or 20 tickets. I'll also tweak my style a little and slow down on the doubling down and scaling out. Although I do like adding to a position because it limits my risk if a trade goes the wrong way. Once I realize my strategy is sound and working I'll add to my position in two or three stages. It also gives you a better entry point. If I go heavy right away and the trade has a big pullback It's hard to ride it out with big losses. I tried talking to IB but they would not give me pricing. They just refer you to the web page that is clear as mud. Now I know why 90+% of day traders fail! The commissions and fees eat you up! I guess I just found out one of the dirty little secrets of day trading.
  12. 1 point
    Monday 3/11/2019 My nerves were really bad today. My day job will be unusually stressful later today and I didn’t have time (due to work) over the weekend to study charts and reread my journal. So I felt very unprepared today. I had a wellbeing score of 4.5/10 so took half share sizes. My allowable two trades were with AAPL and BA. My AAPL checklist: I broke my 9:31:45 EST time rule by a full 30 sec. But AAPL had a setup I really like (Step and Curtsy). Once the price goes well above the tech level it “curtsied” to you lose the setup. So I took it early. This made my nerves go through the roof and I started taking partials at half levels (at 0.5R/1R/1.5R/2R) which is really bad execution. I didn’t even hold the last bit for the run up. My second trade was with BA. It had a mini ABCD and I was waiting for the “3 point touch” rule I use on ABCDs. If it respects a tech level 3 times then take the trade on the last bounce. But I have never taken a long ABCD below VWAP before. So I was nervous to take it. Then I heard Andrew took it long, which gave me the confidence it should be OK. I didn’t mirror Andrew and waited for the 3rd touch and went long. I took my first two partials better than AAPL, but still didn’t hold my last bit for the run up. What I did good today: Traded two good setups . Kept to my 1 + 1 trade/day rule. Traded through my nervousness. How did I challenge myself today? Since my nerves were causing me to take early partials I lowered my partial size to make up for it. I always take a large first partial when trading <10 minutes and even larger one <5 min. But, since I was taking an early partial I greatly lowered my first partial size on AAPL. Not an easy thing for me to do. What I did bad today: Took partials way to early, did not let my winners run. What can I do better next tomorrow: Take partials correctly and let the winners run.
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