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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I think much of what I would consider extra education has already been posted above, so I won't revisit that. I can add one thing that I've learned a TON from: Bad trades, specifically reviewing them. Not journaling, or even rereading a journal, but just take a screen shot of the chart on a bad trade. Go back and look at it several hours later, or the next morning, or that weekend. I promise you'll look at it and say "What the hell was I thinking? What did I see there?". It is really eye opening. Screen time, practice, and education will make you capable of finding good trades; learning to avoid the bad trades will make you profitable. It is correct that I don't recap my bad trades and rarely share for public consumption, I try to show the things that work and reinforce that. I'll be the first to admit I'm green (new) in this game and no guru or wizard. I have plenty of rough days. This is a journey and I'm much closer to the beginning than the end, just trying to enjoy the process and become a little bit better of a trader each day! Doing recaps is part of my education process as well and knowing they will be seen by the public makes my live trading more disciplined because of that...nobody wants to look like a fool.
  2. 1 point
    I don’t post my wins or losses. Frankly, I find that distracting so I tend not to pay attention to those posts. I also don’t volunteer my watchlist, but I’ll share when asked. I’m there to learn and help where I can, but I typically help with general information and DAS related topics. I’m also knowledgeable about the ups and downs of being a relatively new active trader, as it relates to psychology, so I’ll sometimes share when it comes to that. As a new trader, I’m not comfortable giving trading advice or making trade calls. A) Many will post their wins, B) some will post their losses, and C) you’ll never REALLY know who is consistent because of A) and B) mentioned above. I’ve learned from Andrew (he’s the reason I joined a year ago) and I’ve also learned various things from Brian Pez, Robert H, Carlos, Peter D, William ADog, and Norm. The chat community is helpful for many, including myself, as there is an abundance of knowledge. You just have to figure out what info to take from whom. We can all learn a great deal from this community Jason W is my boo. We encourage each other to get in the room early, start prepping for the day, and get motivated. That, for me, is very important.
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