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Chris Shepard

Best Practice Method to Get Experience

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Hi all,


I am looking for advice on the way to practice trade book setups.  Kind of like practicing golf at the driving range, I am looking to improve a specific skill by repeating it over and over.

What is the best way to do this on the sim or replay?




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I do a lot of replay and found it has helped alot - however I don't like knowing my setup is going to be there because it's not realistic. 

I use a tool called spikeet to find historical gappers.  The free version is good enough to create create a gap up/gap down list for each day over the last year.  

Then I use tradingsim to look at those stocks, do premarket analysis and pick out what ones I want to watch.  With trading sim you can have up to 4 charts, so I use two browser windows to watch 4-8 stocks (can also throw up historical spy/qqq) and another window as my trading window.  I also use AutoHotKey to be able to trigger all the chrome windows to start the replay at the same time. 

Then I watch those stocks and look for my setups.  Makes for a realistic trading experience. 

BBTs replay trading is pretty good as well, but I didn't like the time it takes to load, the lack of hotkeys and it's hard to setup to watch lots of stocks at the same time.  


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Are you using DAS replay?  Thank you for the response!  I will take a peak at those.

My thought is that I will just start trading earnings and see how that goes in DAS.


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