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  1. thank you so very much @peterBfor all of your help. if i can ever do anything for you, please reach out. not sure if you're on twitter, but you can always dm me there at @rickyanalog
  2. that gives me an error saying "can't get valid price!". but i played around with an excel sheet to try and reverse engineer what is actually going on here with this script and came to the conclusion that this is what I need: StopPrice=ASK*1.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=StopPrice-Ask;SShare=1000/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=CARCAL;Price=ASK;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=100;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0 ACT:BUY STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+ Can anyone look this over and let me know if this seems to be correct? It appears to work, but I'm wondering if there is something I'm missing or not thinking about that might get me into hot water down the road. Thanks in advance.
  3. tried that and it didn't work. it keeps shorting at the ask 11 shares. something is off about how it is calculating the position size. fwiw, this is the script as i have it at the moment StopPrice=BID*1.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Bid+StopPrice-0.01;SShare=1000/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=CARCAL;Price=ASK;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;DefShare=100;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0 ACT:BUY STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+
  4. @peterB, I tried to make the same hotkey for the short side and i messed sometthing up. would you happen to know what i did wrong? FWIW, i did change the long hotkey script to make it so I bought on the bid in order to add liquidity and be able to hotkey into the trade as a stock is flushing emotionally into my levels. So for the short side I would want it to short on the ASK as a stock is spiking into my levels. I truly appreciate the help. StopPrice=BID*1.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Ask-StopPrice+0.01;SShare=1000/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=CARCAL;Price=ASK;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=100;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+
  5. I know how to create the stop loss. But I don't know how to have it automatically calculate the position size so that my risk is a set $ risk. I already use the hotkey created by Kyle in this thread. But what I need is different. In Kyle's hotkey the price field of DAS is used as what will become your stop level. But I need the price field to be my entry (or if possible I would like the hotkey to have the entry automatically be on the bid for longs and on the ask for shorts). Hopefully I'm explaining myself ok. As black and white as I can word it is: hotkey that does 3 things - 1. entry that adds liquidity 2. calculates the position size based on $ risk 3. sets stop 1% away from entry I appreciate your help @peterB and anyone else out there that reads this and knows the answer.
  6. First and foremost, thank you so much for creating this hotkey setup @KyleK29. I have a question which I feel may be very simple, but for someone like me is making me tear my hair out. I don't want to click on the chart for where my stop goes. I simply want a 1% stop from my entry, but I still want DAS to autocalculate the position size for me. Is this possible? ex. Stock is flushing towards $100 and I want to buy it right at 100 with a 1% stop and risk $1000. Is there a way to script a hotkey where I can just throw my order on the bid as it flushes down into 100 and it will automatically know to throw the stop down around 99 with a position size of 1000 shares? And vice versa for shorting? Thank you in advance brother. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please don't hesitate to reach out. @RickyAnalog on twitter. Regards
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