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  1. Thank you. I have Loupedeck Live and I finally made it work last night. Both devices are great ideas for hot keys. Execution in sim mode in DAS was very smooth. Ciao!
  2. Hi, would it be possible for you to submit a picture of your streamdeck? I am trying to set up Loupedeck with the hotkeys. Thanks
  3. Hi - my name is Chris and I am joining the group from Munich in Germany. I am 48 years old married, with two sons, ex banker from Vancouver BC (20 years there till 2011). I tried day trading in the past but burned pretty badly and fast. I came across the BBT group after reading Andrew's book and I am currently making a plan to start to actively day trade sometimes in late 2021. I just started my training by reading few books ie. "The disciplined trader " and some others to start with. I am formulating my development plan and I am hoping to start paper trading (DAS sim) in March/April - for now read and watch the action in the chatroom. I will be asking questions, hoping not to irritate anybody. Greetings!
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