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Wayne C.

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Wayne C. last won the day on January 12 2021

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  1. ...aaaaand finally, at 4:32pm EST, Centerpoint approved me. Sheesh. Only took ten days. 😐
  2. Can you not do an ACH transfer directly from TD to IB?
  3. Also, here is a blurb from the 2020 Year In Review email I received from DAS a few days ago discussing their partnership with TD:
  4. Tom, I'm right there with you. I've read too many reports now here, on Reddit, on Youtube, and on other sites about lag at open and bad fills on TD. They even mention on their own site FAQs that they are still working out bugs for their interface with DAS. I'm just not willing to chance it at this point. I mean, I'd love to trade commission-free, but lost opportunity and bad fills have their own cost. I'm moving my funds from TD to Centerpoint. I chose Centerpoint over IBRK simply because I've read that they have better short availability. They're really slow on account approval though. I applied on Dec 28th and am still waiting on approval ten days later. I have perfect credit and decent net worth, so it's perplexing. My patience meter is getting low. I called yesterday and they said to give them another day or two.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm Wayne, from Delaware. I'm 49, single father of two teenage sons, prior active duty US Marine Corps officer in the 1990s, and a federal civilian for the past 20 years. I survived a battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma in April 2020, after six months of chemotherapy and 20 sessions of radiation, so I feel like I'm just getting started on Life Part 2. I enjoy getting outdoors as often as possible and traveling with my sons, and I'm so grateful for the doctors and modern medicine that have allowed me the additional years to do so. I've read four books on trading so far, including two of Andrew's, Brian's, and one other, and spent countless hours on the internet in pursuit of trading research and education. I like to think I have a very good BS detector, and after scratching a lot off of my list, this community looked really good to me. A few days ago, I decided to become a BBT lifetime member, and have begun the training progression and dabbled with the DAS simulator. I watched the live chat room through market open the past two trading days and can already see the immense value this community provides. I'm really looking forward to being a part of it!
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