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  1. Thanks for replying guys. Man, sorry for the terribly late reply. Would love to connect with both of you for sure. The link seems to have expired. Please feel free to PM me in Ed's room Mike when you get a chance and we can set something up! Cheers, Delluhle
  2. Hey everyone, My name is Delluhle (vanity_dell in the chatroom). I live in Vancouver, Canada. I have been trading live since December 2021 (SIM Dec. 2020-Dec. 2021) I'm looking to form a small trading support group of 2 or 3 committed traders who are/looking to become consistently successful day traders. It would be great if you live in Vancouver, but not entirely necessary. Ideally, I would like to connect at least 2 times a week (daily is preferred) to review trades, rules, goals, and of course support each other in our challenges and journey. I am typically in Ed's trading room most days after 12PM EST. Feel free to message me in the room if your interested, or reply here. Cheers, Delluhle
  3. Were you ever able to figure this hotkey script out? I'm looking for the same thing.
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