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About junpasion

  • Rank
    Jun Pasion
  • Birthday June 10
  • Location Bezons, France

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  1. Hi Kyle, Yes this is when I have a position already. The third one is most important where I want to sell half of my position at 5% above average price, then automatically put a Stop Loss at breakeven. Been trying on DAS SIM, it does xecute the sell at 5% above average price, put the sopt loss at breakeven, but does not execute the sell when it hits the stop loss even it was broken.
  2. Newbie here and this is my first post. I got the code from a Google Doc shared by Aiman. This is a hotkey to place a limit for 0.10 above the average cost: ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=AvgCost+0.10;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; I would like to modify so that it will suit my needs. Kindly confirm or correct these scripts: 1) I would like to place a limit at 5% above the average cost. ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=AvgCost*1.05;Share=Pos;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; 2) Or to sell half at 5% above the average cost. ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=AvgCost*1.05;Share=Pos*0.5;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send; 3) and to go further, sell half at 5% above average plus put an automatic stop loss for the remaining at breakeven. ROUTE=LIMIT;Price=AvgCost*1.05;Share=Pos*0.5;TIF=DAY+;SELL=Send;ROUTE=STOP;StopType=Market;StopPrice=AvgCost;Share=Pos-share;TIF=GTC;SELL=SEND Your confirmation/correction is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jun Pasion
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