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Everything posted by benjaminchyau

  1. Hi All, I would like to practice my trading during off-market hours. Is there a software you would recommend or one on DAS where I can backtrade the morning open? Thank you!
  2. Does anyone else have this issue? Or certain solutions I can try to remedy this problem?
  3. Hi All, When I decided to go live, I went with CMEG due to its low commission and no PDT rule as many of you may have. We went back and forth, set up my account and as soon as I wired my initial funds I had absolutely no reply. Its been over two months now and nothing is happening. I am so frustrated because with this. Check out this email chain. And despite more than 10 attempts I have no reply. I am now trying to close my account....and still no reply. What the HECK.🤬
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