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  1. Hey Glenn,

    how is the trading going. I also live in Greenville and did a search and you were the only one that had a comment in the forum.  Ann

  2. Thanks Brendon ... your feedback is much appreciated. I've heard good things about Camtasia as well. Since I'm just starting out in the simulator and haven't made the big bucks (or any bucks for that matter) I think I'll start with the free OBS software and, once I become profitable at trading, I'll migrate over to the Camtasia software. Happy trading and thanks again.
  3. Hey Carlos. While I've spent (wasted) 28 years total in the commercial printing industry, I've worked with four different printers over that time span; I've been with my current printer for over 10 years. I'm working on trying to figure out the best way to journal/record my simulator trades. I thought I read somewhere that Andrew records his screen while trading. I'm thinking of trying to do that so I'm wondering if you can recommend the screen recording software that is best for this situation. Do you know what Andrew uses? I'll also be logging my trades in a sortable/filterable Excel format too. I appreciate any suggestions. THANKS! P.S. After typing my comment, I've been reading more Forum posts and found one by TRUE on July 9th recommending OBS and the Advanced Screen Switcher. I do have four monitors so this seems like something that would work for me ... unless you have another suggestion. THANKS!
  4. Greetings Bear Bull Traders! My name is Glenn Johnson and - thanks to the awesome Black Friday deal - I'm a new Lifetime Member of your group! Although you all are day traders, I'm not ... at least not yet ... but I hope to be one in the future. For me, it's not a sprint to become a day trader but rather a marathon. I have been slowly, methodically reading (Andrew's books of course!), studying and watching videos in my attempt to understand and absorb as much information to help me along my path towards a career transition. Now that I'm a member of your group, the additional resources and access to your experts will surely accelerate my journey. I have been working in the dying commercial printing industry for 28 years but I'm ready to turn the page and start a new chapter in my life. Currently living in Greenville, South Carolina, I have been married for 27 years, have three lovely daughters and three faithful dogs. I'm not a huge risk taker; I tend to be cautious but optimistic. I look forward to making this big step forward once I have completed at least three successful and profitable months in a simulator and a few months of small profits in real time with real money. Since I currently work Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, you won't see me around for a while; at least not until I'm ready to make my big move. I am excited to be a member of your awesome community and I look forward to the opportunities that day trading offers. First things first: I need to put in as many months as it takes in a simulated environment before you see me active in your group. I believe I've taken all the necessary steps so far and I'm well aware that there's much more work to do ... but I'm happy to be in your group and I hope that one day I'll be joining you in the chat room or at a meet up event somewhere as a new, happy day trader.
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