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Jason Mah

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  1. Hi everyone, my name is Jason from Edmonton Alberta Canada. I am 34 years old and have been a member since September. I have been in auto sales on and off for 8 years. In between those 8 years I was involved in insurance as well. I have been reading up on stocks/investments for the past year until I came across Andrew's book in Audible. Decided to listen to it on my way to work and occasional on the way home (depending on my level of stress that day has given me) The opportunity presented itself to me to take on trading full time and now I am here! Been watching the live trades for the past month and will be getting on SIM soon. This community seems extremely helpful and the resources are plentiful. I hope to make this my full time source of income and eventually be helpful enough to contribute to BBT like the other current mods do now.
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