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Daniel Meakin

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Daniel Meakin last won the day on December 23 2019

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  1. 23/12/19 trading on my laptop as im away so only watched itci was a little tricky to trade but managed to make good money on it. it popped at the open and then pulled back a bit and held then popped again, it went straight to 4-5R but i only took a quarter of my shares off then came to my b/e. i took it short as it looked like it was about to break down but didnt get a partial then out at b/e. As it started selling off the asks were getting bigger and bigger so i took a few stabs as it seemed to be rejecting my levels and so with a tight stop on each one when it eventually popped i took a huge profit on the way up.
  2. 20/12/19 traded 3 things today with a little more patience but still not perfect. NKE tried for a breakup due to my bias but thankfullt stopped after that 1... then tried for a reverse ABCD after finding some resistance, i added more when it looked like it was breaking but came back to my start and didnt want to risk giving anything back so got out. then took the same trade again being stupid and so got out straight away. TSLA i took long after a strong 2 min open but flipped my position as the tides turned and got a good move down and a couple partials at a support level, then a descending triangle formed so i added for the break and took quick partials then out at my second add not giving any back. after it made it rejected VWAP i shouldve been thinking its a short but because its TSLA i was looking for a long. again stupid bias, stopped out. NVDA trade of the day. again thanks to the 15 min showing a clear up trend and i was expecting a break. tried to get in once a bit to early and stopped out, but once it rejected the 9 on the 5 and the 50 on the 1 i got in again, tight stop and got a nice big move knocking out all the sellers.
  3. 19/12/14 NEED to stop having a long bias for gapped up stocks. got one good partial on my second trade then kept getting stopped out trying to catch a knife. especially since its price showed it just clinging to the 9 on the 5 min which is one of the most common behaviors of price that ive seen. i got one really good trade on it later in the day when i started paying attention to the 15 and saw a giant wedge, got in at the bottom on the candle and rode it to HOD but still wouldve hit max loss by a lot and still ended in the red. lesson of the day: no bias due to gap up/down, and once something looks weak dont trade it until the higher time frames tell you the tides have turned.
  4. 18/12/19 only traded FDX today and wouldve had an incredible day if i just respected my stops instead of getting out early 1000 times went short from a weak L2 and a rejection of a key level but stopped out early and then took it shoort again straight after. got a good move down then added to my position at VWAP with stop above the top of the 5 min candle, then stopped out early, got in and out 4 more times for small losses before i got another good move. then hotkey mistake reversed positions and got straight out. took it short 1 more time with a great entry and stopped out early again just before it broke down then i just started being stupid trying to take reversals and all sorts of madness. still ended green just about but feel horrible about the day.
  5. 16/12/19 been slacking on my journal while ive been taking so many trades trying to figure out my style and i think i need to start again to force me to be more selective. MU chopped me up horribly in the morning it just wouldnt give me the pop but once it settled down i got in at the MA on the 5, added for a wedge break up then just sold high and added every time it rejected the 9 on the 5 min as long as the L2 still looked good and i made a killing on it about 15 Rs total but lost about 4 R in the first few trades. AMRN was super weak at the open and on L2 so waited for it to bounce off a level and it rejected a daily level and the 200 on the 5 so got a pretty tight stop and rode it down for about 5 Rs
  6. Count me in for this! looking forward to meeting everyone
  7. 8/11/19 another amazing day 1 and done. really think ive found my mojo Trade 1: ROKU was the only thing on my watchlist which seemed to have a clear direction in the level 2 so when it went lower, held and started coming up i went long with a really tight stop below where it held, and it popped, got rid of two thirds of my shares in the first pop, didnt stop out then the rest above 122. great 8R trade.
  8. 7/11/19 amazing day today, after yesterday i decided to approach it a little differently. basically just looking at the level 2 to see which direction is stronger then using the charts to find a good entry. worked a treat. Trade 1: looked weak on L2, popped up to VWAP then down so took it short tight stop, got a few partials at 2:1 then out at b/e. 0.5 Rs Trade 2: this was a 1m ABCD as soon as it made a new high after a new low and L2 looking very strong. still some left in this position but right now at 3Rs. Trade 3: BIDU looked very strong on L2. good opening 5 min candle, rejected VWAP once then when it rejected a second time i got in long with a tight stop. got one partial, almost out at b/e then it just took off and i partialled like crazy. 4Rs Trade 4: couldnt believe my luck on this, i was done for the day but noticed the punch through VWAP, pullback to the MAs on the 5m, checked L2 and looked really strong so took it long with stop at VWAP and it exploded. happy days. 5Rs
  9. 6/11/19 had a one and done on HAS and then had to leave early. Trade 1: saw big buying pressure whenever the price dropped and the L2 looked really strong, got a couple partials then added when i saw the pattern ascending and L2 holding its big asks. got 4Rs but i stopped out early because i had to leave soon anyway. it did bounce of VWAP and go higher but dont know how far.
  10. 05/11/19 still just making mistakes and learning what not to do... Trade 1: rising devil with big bids but stopped out. Trade 2: me getting chopped up on BYND based on the L2 without regarding patterns. Trade 3: ascending pattern on AMD and big asks, got a partial but bad news came out and stopped out at b/e Trade 4: reverse ABCD with an entry at the support so dont think i should take these if its testing the support for the 3rd time... Trade 5: got chopped up on AMD trying to get the next leg up but i shouldve waited for a rejection of some significant MA, first entry was for an ascending 1 min pattern, second was because it broke downwards and straigh back up and third was a new 5 min high. Trade 6: pennant breakout with volume and big asks, this was the trade i was waiting for but tried too early. Trade 7: finally got the AMD trade as well when i saw an ascending triangle forming respecting the 9 on the 5m and pressed against a daily level and got the pop i wanted, didnt reach my target though and stopped out at a 15m low but happy with the trade.
  11. 4/11/19 really choppy day and stopped taking trades pretty early when the market wasnt doing what i wanted. Trade 1: tried a rising devil on UAA but stopped out at 0.5 Rs when it didnt drop straight away Trade 2: loads of abig asks on BABA and after a double hammer on the 1 with higher lows i went long, got 2 partials and out at b/e Trade 3: looked like it found support at 180 so went long but didnt quite get to 2R so stopped out. Trade 4: looked like an ascending triangle so tried to get in before it went up for the third touch but out at a new low.
  12. 1/11/19 decent day today except slippage on my first trade put me 3 Rs down but oh well. Trade 1: tried a rising devil but stopped out and the price jumped a mile. Trade 2: ABCD on aapl but the consolidation was so long and after it made a new high and came straight down i got out near b/e Trade 3: kinda ABCD/pendant break out, i had my limit for 2 Rs set and it hit it but didnt get filled then stopped me out so that was a bit annoying but still a good trade. Trade 4: tried to get in on a pullback short on PINS but stopped out, then loads of big asks came in so i took it long when it didnt make a lower low and got a really big move on it. great trade.
  13. 31/10/19 made some good prgress today, started noticing things on level 2 in the INET tab as an extra confirmation. Trade 1: was watching this for an ORB, KHC had loads of big orders above the ask so after it rejected VWAP i took it long for a really nice 4 R trade. Trade 2: ABCD based on the 1, waited for a new high and orders stacking above the ask but the move wasnt ready. Trade 3: descending triangle but once it broke and came straight back above the PCL i got out at b/e. Trade 4:nice pennant formed but didnt do the breakout i wanted. need to pay more attention to level 2 on these for confirmation. Trade 5: 1 and 2 min bullflag, waited for 1 min high and had a really tight stop below the pullback, had loads of big orders above the ask so was pretty confident and got about 4 Rs on this average.
  14. 29/10/19 so im back in sim and im gonna take a month or two to practice my strategies. im focusing on ABCDs the rest of this week after Aiman proved you only need one strategy. once a stock move a significant amount in a clear direction, i wait until it makes lower lows on the 5 without a new low on the 15, and then once it makes a new high i enter with stop below the low. if i take it near VWAP i want 3:1 and away from VWAP i want 2:1. im also focusing on ORBs but im looking less at the 5 min and more for ABCD patterns based on the 1 chart just at the open. im also going to start to log trades in another way so i can track my win percentage to hopefully see improvement or identify which setups i just shouldnt do.
  15. my stop was a new 5 min high above vwap, I shouldn’t have stopped out early but got worried and I do this all the time. Just need to stick to a plan better but I’ll work on that in sim
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