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  1. I can bring a shirt as well. Justin, are you going to be making a reservation?
  2. Justin, I think City Beer Store looks good. (I was going to otherwise suggest 111 Minna Gallery for happy hour, but this looks good, too.)
  3. Rob, this is such a great thread. It's extremely interesting. At the same time, it makes me think that I have a lot further to go in my development as a trader than I previously believed to be the case. I really ought to look into taking this course as well. Thanks for the post!
  4. Rishi

    SF Bay Area Meetup

    I'll be there tonight for the meetup in Berkeley. Looking forward to it!
  5. Hi all. I'm new to the BBT community. I live in the East Bay (Orinda) and have an office in SF. Looking forward to the meet-up in October. Patrick, if you need RSVPs/a headcount for the reservation, please count me in. And if you need any help with picking a place or making a reservation, let me know. Looking forward to meeting everyone.
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