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  1. Thank you so much Robert! Had to clear the desktop to see the Accounts page. 🙂
  2. I click on Accounts from the Trade tab and nothing will pop up.
  3. When I try doing this, I go to my account report, right click "Account" and nothing happens. Also, that part of my screen is greyed out, showing that it cannot be edited. Any ideas on what to do?
  4. Thanks Abiel! I'll be sure to check it out. Have a nice rest of your weekend, Jake
  5. Hello bearbulltraders family, I'm new to this group, along with the DAS Trading Platform and was just wondering if there was a way I could rewind the time in DAS Trader so I can practice trading on the weekends as well. I know that the Think or Swim platform has that, but I'm not too fond of that one. All help is appreciated. Thanks, Jake
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