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Everything posted by FMT

  1. i believe a daily profit target is one of the most important things you can have on your side as a day trader. to me it is almost as important as your technicals and everything else. like everything there must be a goal or a limit you are trying to reach. in life we set goals for ourselves, like where do you want to be 1 year 5 years and 10 years from now, without goals we are just living life with no purpose. same as trading in my opinion, without a goal you are just trading, we do not trade to trade we trade for skill. as a day trader we should have daily goals as well as yearly goals and so forth. the reason we set goals is to see where we are and try to improve from there, there is always room for improvement. when i first began trading i would just trade not having any goals set in mind, i would trade just to see how much i can make looking at my P/L trying to out do my last trade. but in reality i lost more then i actually gained because of over trading and revenge trading. daily goals and max losses go hand in hand. they are parameters or rules we should set within ourselves to keep us successful in day trading. greed is a motherfu#$@%. one thing is for sure the market will giveth and the market will taketh lol meaning if you can find yourself profitable keep your profits because at any moment if you are not smart with your profits the market will take them. its always best to keep what you got then you lose what you could've had. time of day to me is all on personality of the trader, personally i like the morning because its fast pace and more profits can be made. some might like mid day because the risk is not as high because of it being much slower. you have to find your comfort zone, tell yourself how much you would like to gain and what your max loss would be. the important thing is being realistic with your account size. many people like going in with large share sizes because the profits are bigger but same goes with your losses. practicing set it and forget it rule or mentality is essential for a day trader. set a goal of what i would like to gain in a day and how much you would like to lose in a day. set it and forget it, remember the goals do not have to be perfect just close enough.
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