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Matt D

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  1. Hello! I'm in Northern Virginia, and would definitely be interested in a DC meetup.
  2. Hello all! My name is Matt: I joined the BBT family this past week, and am just getting familiar with how the Chat Room, and Forum works. I'm in the process of reading Andrew's first book, and will continue to read his second right after. I'm getting a lot from the YouTube channel as well... from everyone's contribution. Trying to watch a few of those videos every day. For the last few years, i've mainly been investing, and swing trading in crypto, as well as running decentralized nodes. But now, I am pursuing day trading, and learning all the real technical knowledge and discipline that's involved. My goal is to be able to day trade full-time by Spring 2019. Planning on starting the simulator next month sometime. Currently located in the Washington, DC area, but am planning on moving to the Los Angeles area next spring with my wife and daughter. Very thankful to be a part of your community and for the opportunity to learn from you all!!! ~Matt D
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