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Rob C

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Posts posted by Rob C

  1. Thursday 3/7/2019

    My Garmin did not upload so I did not get the refresh data until 1 hour after the open. I felt marginal so I was debating to trade live today. But my nerves were so much better so I decided to trade at half size. When my Garmin finally updated I had a wellbeing score of 3.5/10 and should not have been trading live.

    My allowable two trades were with MU and KR.

    My MU checklist:


    I listened to my video when I verbalized my checklist. I stated a step setup with a first target at 38.13 and a second target at 38.31. ATR small, broke VWAP and just below B-bands. So it is amazing that I actually didn’t see the major tech level at 37.93 voiding the trade. So I entered the trade and immediately saw the 37.93 level and new the trade was a bust and needed to get out. The price started moving up and I took a large partial at 37.93 then exited at B/E. Then after watching the video I saw that the price jumped above the B-Bands just before I took the trade, also vetoing the trade. The price dropped below the B-band shortly after but I should have saw that as well. At least I kept myself out of a loss.


    My second trade was with KR. I carefully listened to my video of the trade because I was worried I mirrored Carlos. But it looks like I announced my checklist before he called it and entered the trade before he did as well. The 4th 1min candle was very strong, it broke the 1min VWAP and KR had really good levels above it to take partials. Then it tested VWAP and bounced from it so I went long using the 1min VWAP as my stop. It was a false breakout and quickly dropped. I got out at my planned S/O just before I heard Carlos call his exit out. So I am sure I did not mirror his trade. Looks like an OK trade.



    What I did good today: Stuck to my 1+1 trade/day rule. Nerves were better today and I was eager to trade. Kept to my 9:31:45 EST rule. Quickly discovered and recovered from the bad MU trade.

    How did I challenge myself today?  Kept myself from blowing up my account on a day my wellbeing was unknowingly quite low. Forced myself to trade half sizes. Checked all ATRs, reviewed them just before open and checked them again during the prechecklist before the trade.

     What I did bad today:  Broke veto rules again, but this time not consciously. I could blame it on the low wellbeing, but MU tech level was too obvious for that. Strong focus is good, but too focused can really get you in trouble.

    What can I do better tomorrow: I like the recitation of the checklist before the trade. Both as a reinforcement and today as a post-mortem. Will continue using it and hopefully it will help me taking a step back and observe myself before the trade.


  2. Wednesday 3/6/2019

    My worse day since I have been journaling on BBT and the only day (since the BBT journaling) I had a stop out greater than -1R. Now what is odd, is I don’t feel that bad about it. It was a good learning day. Broke some basic rules so I needed to be slapped around a bit. And after the big loss my feeling to revenge trade subsided in a few seconds. Since the day was over so early I thought maybe to jump on the SIM, instead I thought to call it a day and spend some time working with Trade Ideas.

    I had a low well being score of 4.5/10 so I am supposed to trade with half shares (that doesn’t sound good already). My one allowable trade was with BZUN.

    My checklist (lots of red):


    I think the setup was so strong I was REALLY sloppy checking the vetoes. I even took a wrong trade yesterday with a candle ~ATR and didn’t learn my lesson. I also broke my 9:31:45 EST trade rule by a full 15 sec. If I would have waited I also would not have taken the trade. And it was a mile above VWAP. By 9:32 EST the stock actually looked like a short.

    image.png.0e90e9510ce9d4c73ee314e2f65dd74a.png At 9:31:35 EST

    Now things get actually worse. Due to my low well being score I was supposed to take half share size. I forgot. Also, if I have never taken a trade with a stock before I usually cut back on shares a bit. I also forgot. So instead of taking about 1/3 normal size I took full share size.

    Just before I took the trade I checked the spread and it was fine. I waited for a clean break of the $43.7 level, then went long. The price instantly spiked down, giving the impression I got a good fill. But actually disaster already occurred. Before I took the trade the volatility wasn’t that bad. Stock was steadily going up with minor pops/drops, so I gave it a tight stop out point. The moment I took the trade my entry price was just barely above my S/O point. So I should immediately get out of the trade. But instead I did something I need to ponder for awhile why I did it. I moved my stop loss down to below the next tech level. So now I have way to much risk on the line. Price fell, broke the TL and I exited. But it also had some slippage to make it even a larger loss. From the video I see the spread immediately tripled the moment I took the trade, thus it costs me to exit.

    So even being stupid, if I followed my share size rules for the day I would only have less then -1R loss. Instead I have more than -2R.




    What I did good today: Stuck to my 1 trade/day rule. The feeling to revenge trade disappeared quickly. No lingering emotional effects. Just went about my day in good spirits. Usually something like this bothers me all day.

    How did I challenge myself today?  Recovered emotionally from the bad trade quicker than I can remember.

     What I did bad today:  Broke two veto rules! And broke 9:31:45 EST rule as well.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Just saying to myself I need the follow the rules more, isn’t helping. I need to take the trade less emotionally and have more mechanical precautions. Need to step back and look at the trade before taking it. These things are obvious mistakes, not nuisances. Will spend some time today thinking what action plan to take.


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  3. Tuesday 3/5/2019

    Well being score of 5/10. My nerves were again really high due to a really bad week of trading. But, they calmed down alot when the opening bell rang. My two allowable trades were with CTRP and KSS.

    I took a 2min ORBU with CTRP. My setup checklist:


    I did wait a few extra seconds after it broke the tech level to make sure I was passed the 9:31:45 EST trading rule of mine. CTRP had a bullish 2min candle and must break a TL to be a valid setup, which it did. It also showed respect of the TL so it was “powered” as well. There was a TL just above my entry at $40.07. But I tend to think of TLs near the dollar mark as weaker, since it might have been a misplaced line that I drew and the real TL was at $40. I consider dollar marks for stocks over $10 not that powerful.

    So the trade was on and my stress decreased. But then just after I took the trade I hear Andrew on the chat saying he is looking at CTRP, but he is waiting for a pull back. Uh oh! So I assumed I entered too early. But then Andrew took the trade not long after I entered. So the price hit the $40.07 level and bounced from it. Uh Oh! Retraced quite a bit, but still above my planned S/O. I do have a bad habit of not trusting the levels I draw. It finally broke the level and I took some profit at my first target. It did not reach my 2nd target. Then I exited at B/E. Share size was fine as well.


    My second trade was with KSS. I had no idea, until I reviewed the trade well afterwards that the 5min candle was the size of ATR. Which vetoes the trade. But I don’t think the candle size was that large today. The 5 min red candle at 9:20 EST was much larger giving the appearance KSS can easily move today. So I don’t think that was that bad of a mistake.

    I like the bullishness of the 3 last 1min candles. So I was going to wait for the 2nd 5min candle to break the body of the first or have the price break the 69.15 level I had marked. When it just barely broke the 69.15 level it immediately recoiled and I got stopped out below VWAP.

    So the question is, did I really wait for it to make a clean break at the tech level before entering the trade? Or I didn’t wait for the clean break, or it didn’t happen and I should not have entered the trade. For some reason what was going through my mind was a little cloudy on this trade. Usually I can recall well. So when I watched the video, I see I clearly took the trade before it broke the TL, breaking a rule. Since I don’t remember what I was thinking on this trade. I am listing it as a veto rule violation and bad trade.

    After KSS finally did break the 69.15 level it had a good run. So the trade plan was correct, just poorly executed.

    The setup:



    What I did good today: Stuck to my 1+1 trade/day rule. Stuck to my 9:31:45 EST rule. Had a good trade with CTRP.

    How did I challenge myself today?  My nerves were still really high, but still controlled them and traded.

    What I did bad today:  Broke a veto rule again! And must have traded off of emotion because I don’t even remember what I was thinking when I entered the KSS trade. I remember the plan but not the entry.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Going to say it again. All veto rules must be followed. They are stronger than setup rules. Also I should trust the levels I draw more. Over the past couple months I have noticed I seem to place the levels correctly. But I sometimes ignore them, thinking I’m a rookie so it was probably not correct…. Then it bounces off the level….


    This week seems to be starting like my first 3 months live. I make money at the open and then I give it back to the market. Part of the reason I was positive in February could have been simply due to my one trade rule. So I make money at the open and I have no chance to give it back. Anyway at least my 2min ORBs trades pay for my learning curve on my 5min ORBs.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Mark D. said:

    Hi Rob, 


    No worries. the average risk to reward is the average of the planned R to R on all trades for the week. 

    points are calculated by me and they're subjective but it's supposed to be based on these rules (sometimes i screw up how many points i give a trade):

    Trade Point System

    ·         Defined stop +1

    ·         Defined profit target +1

    ·         R/R above 2.0 +1

    ·         Out of trade at stop or goal +1

    ·         all exits over $0.30 from entry bonus +1

    ·         sell past stop or violation of consistent winning rules erases all previous points

    Thanks Mark, I like the point system. Is it only for trade execution? Do you have a point system for the quality of the setup as well?

  5. Monday 3/2/2019

    Well being score of 5/10. My nerves were really high due to a really bad week of trading. My two allowable trades were with AAPL and JD.

    I took a 2min ORBU with AAPL. My setup checklist:


    I was planning to enter the AAPL trade when it broke the 176.11 tech level. Though not mandatory for the “Simple” setup since it was a premarket level (in yellow) not a daily level. When it bounced strongly from VWAP I entered the trade under the tech level. Nerves were really high during the trade, though setup was good, checklist was run through before the trade, S/O point was chosen, and share size was correct. But, didn’t matter, nerves were still shot.

    Without good TLs to take profit I chose 1R, 2R and 3R.



    After a good trade I do allow myself a second. I was looking for a 5min ORB, but AAPL was setting up the best. But I don’t really want to trade a stock I just did. So my attention went to JD which had a very bullish 5min candle. Now I don’t have the 2min ORB rule for Vish setup (need to break a TL) on my 5min ORB setup. Maybe I should. I do use Andrew’s rule that it must break the body of the 5min candle. So I had a stupid conversation with myself, that if I wait for the 5min candle break or the TL break I will no longer have the 2 to 1 reward to risk satisfied. Thus, there is really no setup. Instead I took the trade before the break of the 5min candle while we has a 2/1 ratio. If you have read my journal entries from last week, this is not the first time I have done this. To make things worse I took the wrong share, to the high side. Which made a bad trade worse. I have been having issues with share size recently, but to the low side.

    Checklist (I currently don’t use the “momentum power” requirement that I use on the 2min ORB). The trade did not satisfy the checklist.



    What I did good today: Stuck to my 1+1 trade/day rule. Stuck to my 9:31:45 EST rule. Had a good trade with AAPL. Did perform a checklist double check right before my first trade.

    How did I challenge myself today?  My nerves were through the roof today, but still controlled them and traded.

    What I did bad today:  Broke a veto rule again!

    What can I do better tomorrow: All veto rules must be followed. They are stronger than setup rules.


    • Like 2

  6. Live trading summary of week ending 3/1/19 and month of February.

    Though I have been trading live for 4 months, this is the first month I felt real progress was being made. I had to go extreme with my rules for this month (only 1 trade allowed per day). But, it has really helped reduce my instinct to over trade (from extreme to just bad). It was the first month I did not go hulk. It was the first month I never hit max loss. I did break the 1 trade/day rule once on a revenge trade. It was also my first month with a positive equity.

    For March I will stick with the one trade a day rule, though I will allow myself a second trade if the first trade was a well executed winning trade. I can’t trust myself after a losing trade. Since my equity was positive and did not go hulk in February I am increasing my risk per trade from $25 to $30.

    In February I reread both the Daily Trading Coach and Trading in the Zone.

    Stats for February:

    Total # of trades


    Hulk Days


    Max Loss Days


    Broke max trade rule


    Hoy Key Mistakes


    Good Trade %


    Neutral Trade %


    Bad Trade %



    As for summary of the week ending 3/1/19. Not a good week.

    Good Trades

    Neutral Trades

    Bad Trades




    Four out of five days I would consider as bad trading days. Adding 2/22/19 Friday was also quite bad, I am left with only one good day out of the last six that I was happy with my trading. This has left me with very high doubts about my trading again.

    So next week need to work on checklist especially being careless with the Risk/Reward. Problems need to be fixed internally and externally. As for internally, I will verbally go through my checklist (I video on all my trades with mic on, so it will be recorded) before I take a trade. This is a bit embarrassing to admit that I need to do after trading for 4 months live. As for external improvements, it seems this month on DAS I never got over the habit of having my tech levels automatically listed for you the way Etrade-Pro does. So I was sloppy double checking my levels before a trade. So beside increasing my margins, I will place a note on each chart (I assume DAS has a way for you to do this) from now on listing the two neighboring major levels above and below the opening price.

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    Friday 3/01/19

    Well being score of 5/10. My nerves were high due to a really bad trading day yesterday. My one allowable trade was with JD.

    So much for listening to my own journal entry yesterday and review checklist completely when I move a ticker to my main chart. So when I moved JD to my main chart I did not zoom out and check for tech levels on the 1min chart. There was a tech level at 28.62 I didn’t see. It was clear on the 5min chart but I was too focused on the 1min chart looking for an entry. So I took the trade long with a Reward/Risk=1 which vetoes the trade. I should have waited a few minutes more and take the trade closer to VWAP with a better R/R or not trade it at all. Traded bad on a Friday again.






    What I did good today: Stuck to my 1 trade/day rule though revenge trading fever was high.

    How did I challenge myself today?  I did increase my risk level from $25 to $30 today, since I did have a month of no max loss and was positive in February. I didn’t notice any difference.

    What I did bad today:  Broke a setup rule again!!!

    What can I do better tomorrow: I guess it takes more than once to teach me a lesson. I must look for tech levels (that I miss on my small chart) when I move the ticker to my main chart.


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  8. Thursday 2/28/19

    Well being score of 4.5/10. My one allowable trade was with AMD.

    Traded terrible today. Broke 5 different trading rules. That may be a record for a nonHulk day. Broke 3 setup rules, though none of them consciously, just very carelessly. And broke 2 execution rules.

    The 2min ORB setup:


    I was playing a bit of musical chairs at the open. JD was on my main chart. Though moving it was not setting up for my 2min ORB criteria. Then I moved MU to my main screen. Then MU’s set up went a stray. Then I watched AMD from one of my smaller charts and it was setting up. AMD had a STEP setup and there was a drawn tech level (though weak – yellow) but it was across the 50SMA making it a stronger tech level. I don’t know if the price showed any respect to this level, since I was transferring it to my main chart at that time of it moving past it. As soon as AMD was on my main chart I saw it was just pass the TL. For a split second I thought to check the time, if it’s too early, but didn’t and took the trade.

    Rule break 1) The price was well beyond the Bolinger band and thus vetoes the trade. The smaller chart doesn’t have the B-Band and I was rushing and didn’t notice it before I took the trade.

    Rule Break 2) Terrible risk/reward. From my small chart, I thought I had a good R/R from VWAP to the 200SMA. I did not verify this on my large chart before I took the trade. Then 1 sec after entry the price went up which then brought a strong tech level (at 23.48), a few cents above my entry, into my view on the chart. If I saw that tech level the terrible R/R would have vetoed the trade.

    Rule Break 3) I should have at least checked the clock. I took the trade a few seconds earlier than the 9:31:45 limit rule. Thus a few seconds waiting would have given me the time to double check the trade and realized how bad it was.

    Rule Break 4) I had a well being score of 4.5/10 so I was supposed to trade half share size, but I went full share size. Honestly I just forgot. Carelessness.

    Rule Break 5) Once you realize you are in a bad trade you need to immediately get out. I didn’t. Finally when the tech level was shown to bounce 3 separate 1 min candles, thus showing a setup for a short, being long seemed pretty ridiculous. I exited with a  0.4R loss.


    What I did good today: Well at least I got out above my planned stop out.

    How did I challenge myself today?  Some stress I needed to fight through being the last day of the month. I usually trip at the finish line, so there was risk I would go hulk today and destroy an OK month of trading. But, at least I stayed to my one trade rule and prevented that.

    What I did bad today:  Broke 5 rules and traded AMD again!!!

    What can I do better tomorrow: I am always going through my setup checklist. When I finish going through it in my mind, I go through it again with the new data the market has brought me in the last few seconds. So I don’t consciously say to myself, “does it pass the checklist?” Because if it didn’t I would have vetoed it. But, today's failure brought a good point. When I transfer the ticker to the main chart, which has the most information, I must re-evaluate before taking the trade based on the larger chart with more indicators. If I miss the trade, so be it.



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  9. Wednesday 2/27/19

    Well being score of 5.5/10. Not as nervous about trading today than the previous two days. I did follow my setup yesterday (though poorly executed) and that gave me a bit more trust in myself.

    My two allowable trades were with SE and BBY.

    The 2min ORB setup:


    SE created a “step” setup on the 1min chart. Though the 2nd candle had good volume, the “power” came from the separation between the 1min VWAP and 2min VWAP (almost 1% gap). I waited very impatiently to 9:31:45 EST to take the trade (my new rule). Price did pop a bit but I was getting impatient since it was hovering just below my first target, so I took a partial anyway. But, the market was good enough to reprimand me by popping 20 cents 2 seconds later. The price did reach my 2R level (there were no good levels to aim for partials so I was using xR) where I took another partial. After making a new 1min low I showed that I didn’t learn anything 2 minutes before and exited the trade. The instant I exited the price popped 2%. Which is fine, I apparently needed another lesson in patience.


    Since my first trade was a winner I am allowed another trade. I saw the 5min ORBs were already running and I didn’t want to chase. I saw BBY setting up for an ABCD. But, I needed to use my newly taught patience. The way I have my ABCD setup is there needs to be at least three 1min candles bouncing off the same tech level. But, it only bounced off the tech level (VWAP) twice at that time. So I waited for the 3rd bounce, which it did. The plan originally was to buy just as it bounces off of VWAP. But while I waited I was getting concerned about the 69.02 tech level (which was a premarket level – that is why it is yellow, daily levels are green on my chart). So we had a premarket level, the $69.00 level and the previous 1min candle respected that level as well. Since the entry above that level still had a >2 to 1 reward to risk ratio (with the high of the day as a target and just below VWAP as a S/O) I decided to wait for it to break of that level for an entry. So when it did I went long.

    Soon after I realized that I went full share size, though on 2nd trades of the day I decided I should go half shares. So just after a small pop I sold half my shares. Now this left me in an odd situation which I hadn’t thought about. In theory I am still in the same trade with the same S/O (VWAP). But I just took a profit, so my instinct is to exit at B/E. I hadn’t thought about this scenario and was torn. So when in doubt, get out. And I exited at B/E. Now that I had some time to ponder, I have set the guideline to stay in the trade with the same S/O in that situation.



    What I did good today: Kept to my setup rules. I kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.  Entered the trade correctly. Waited for my setup on both trades. Kept to my 2 trade/day rule (if first trade is a winner).

    How did I challenge myself today?  Traded outside of AMD/AAPL/MU. Did not even place them on the watch-list or give them a chart. Traded an ABCD setup.

    What I did bad today:  Impatient on my first trade with SE. First partial too early and exited too early.

    What can I do better tomorrow: More patience is needed, especially on my exit. Will start to document specific exit rules for me to follow.



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  10. I'm glad you found it interesting. I wish they had data on vegan and trading as well. 

    I did find the Keto diet gave me better attention. It took about two months. Now was it the diet itself or the diet gave me more energy to exercise more and that in turn improved my attention? That I don't know. I am just glad it improved.

    As for memory... Before I changed to the Keto diet I was working on improving my sleep quality, which I accomplished very successful (and surprisingly). This greatly improved my memory. So if there was a memory drop due to the diet, It was just a small pullback to the improvement and not noticeable.



    Tuesday 2/26/2019

    Well being score of 6/10. My nerves are still high. I just had two days in a row of breaking my setup rules, so starting not to trust myself. My one allowable trade was with HD.

    HD looked very good on my setup checklist, but I executed poorly.


    Lots of momentum power. The price did the curtsy on the TL (Tech Level), 2nd min vol was strong and had a strong place to take my first partial (maybe too strong since it bounced from it). I took the trade as it broke the 184.04 tech level. My stop was the 50 SMA. It spiked back through the 50 SMA (barely) which spooked me, but I really should not have tried to S/O. I had my first hot key mistake in February where I “sold all” instead of cover and thus doubled my position (something E-Trade Pro stops you from doing). In hind sight I should have re-evaluated the trade and see that it never really hit my stop loss point and either stayed in or cut my shares in half. But when it touched the 50 SMA again(but not break through) nstead I panicked and hit “cover all.” I regretted it as I pressed the button. I didn’t miss out on much though, it made it to my first partial and that’s all. But it was poorly executed. I took the correct shares that enables me to wait for a clean break of the 50 SMA, but I dropped the ball. So not very happy.


    What I did good today: Kept to my setup rules. I kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.  Entered the trade correctly. Took correct share size. Kept to my 1 trade/day max rule.

    How did I challenge myself today?  Traded outside of AMD/AAPL/MU. Did not even place them on the watch-list or give them a chart.

    What I did bad today:  Did not let the price get to my stop out, which is a clean break of the 50 SMA. Instead I stopped out when price touched it. I consider this a really bad mistake. I use to be quite good with my stop outs.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Besides to focus on my stop outs, I should also consider not making a trade if the stock has TOO STRONG of a first target. HD had a daily and premarket tech level at the same spot. This might have created a too strong of a TL and thus in reality is my final target. Then my risk/reward ratio is below 2. Thus. I should either not take the trade or go into it assuming it will be a scalp and exit fully if it reaches my target.


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  12. The link below is to a BBC program where they had twins both day trade on different diets. The one on the Keto diet (which is the one I am on) did poorly. Essentially the program is helping to deter the use of the Keto diet. They briefly interviewed a professor from Tufts University.

    Now if you go to the second link it discusses the results from the Tufts University experiment. The results are not as cut and dry as the BBC program. The results state there was a decrease in memory for the Keto diet (compared to low calorie dieters), but the Keto dieters had a better "attention vigilance". Now for someone like myself who mostly trades at the open, I prefer the improved attention over the memory.  

    Please have a look and let me know your take on it. Thanks.

    BBC program (you have to scroll down a bit to see the video):



    The study from Tufts:


    Seems the link will not go directly to the news article. You have to type "low carb diets" in the search to get to the article. Sorry.


  13. Start of my 4th week live on DAS (previous 3+ months live on Etrade-Pro) and journaling on BBT site.

                Risk: $25/trade

                Max allowable trades per day: only 1. I am having an over trading issue that I am trying to resolve. So I have a self-imposed limit of one trade per day. But I am allowing myself this week of a second trade if my first trade was a winner. Since I revenge trade, I don't trust myself to trade after a loser.


    Monday 2/25/19

    Well being score of 5.5/10. But very nervous about trading today. My lack of discipline on Friday and the whole weekend to think about has caused my nerves to be an issue. 

    My two allowable trades were with AAPL and KHC. AAPL was a small winner so, without any rule breaks, so I was allowed a second trade.

    I really like AAPL in the premarket so it was top of my watchlist. I waited for the second 1min candle to finish (not easy for me) and break the tech level (174.66) I drew from premarket. The price did a curtsy at this level so setup was good. I got a great fill and price took off quickly. I took my 1st partial at 1R. I know from the chart below you may wonder why didn't I take a 2nd partial at 2R, but have a look what happen in the middle of the 3rd candle:


    It actually backtracked to my B/E and I exited. Yes if I gave it 1 cent more leeway it would have reached 2R. But at the moment that is my rule. It may not make sense <5min because you will get S/O often and miss moves. But I am currently unable to handle a winning trade turning into a loser. So I must stop at B/E.
    The 2min ORB setup checklist:
    Setup Powerered by Veto
    Simple The Curtsy Wrong way
    The Step 2nd 1m Vol B-Bands
    Mini ABCD 421 VWAP R/R 2-7 to 1
    Vish candle DTL break Break VWAP 2m candle
      Strong 1st >0.5 ATR
      HiLo break Not on watch-list
      Englf PM  

    So good setup and good execution allowed me a second trade today.
    I was watching MU for a 5min ORB, but didn't want to take it since there was a strong tech level it needed to break first. I was feeling quite nervous and really questioning myself since I haven't taken a 5min ORB in many weeks. Due to that I lost discipline and switch my chart to KHC when Andrew says he was looking at it. The large wick in the wrong direction automatically vetoes the trade for my personal setup rules. But I took it with Andrew. I haven't done that since SIM. 
    But luckily the market was kind to me and immediately stopped me out. And I really mean it. Can you imagine if that was a winner and what bad habits that would have started!!! 




    What I did good today: I kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.  Followed rules on my first trade.

    How did I challenge myself today? Took a second trade, though nervous about it. Had AAPL on top of my watch-list even though it was not on the watch-list on the morning show.

    What I did bad today:  Followed Andrew on a trade, though it did not satisfy my setup rules.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Follow rules, better not to take the trade.

    • Like 3

  14. Summary of my week ending 2/22/19

    So this is a summary of my 3rd week of trading in which I journaled for the BBT community to view. This was also my 6th week of trading with the solitary goal to reduce my over trading. This is also my 3rd week I went on a self-imposed 1-trade a day maximum, which went well initially, with a week of good trading. Second week was quite disappointing. My third week would have been OK if I didn’t break my setup rules today.



    Negative things this week

    1)    Broke my setup rules once this week

    2)    Traded AMD twice this week. Trying to stop trading my “comfortable stocks”

    3)    Took a 1min ORB with 2min ORB setup rules.


    Positive things:

    1)    Never hit max loss

    2)    Journaled every day this week on the BBT site.

    3)    Hid my P/L window, which is a first time in 10 months (6m SIM). Never looked at it until end of the trading session.

    4)    Kept to my 1 trade/day max this week.

    5)    Share size, taking at 1st partial and stop outs were back to normal this week.

    6)    Started a rule not to trade before 9:31:45 to prevent 1min ORB trades.


    Next week:

    1)    I finished “The Daily Trading Coach” book (3rd time) this week. So I will start rereading “Trading in the Zone” this weekend.

    2)    I think after 3 weeks on the 1 trade/day rule, and understanding why I broke that rule last week, I will modify the rule for next week. I will allow a maximum of 2 trades a day IF my first trade is a winner. I can’t trust myself if my first trade is a loser. The urge to revenge trade is too strong. Especially, when the loss is caused by a mistake. But after a winner, which is also a well executed trade, I instinctively don’t want to trade anymore and ruin the day. So I assume I will be pickier after a win. I will give this a try.

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  15. Friday 2/22/2019

    Lots of rule breaking today. Took a trade though it did not satisfy setup checklist. Took a trade though it did not have a "powered by" indication. And took a trade though it was right on the verge of a VETO criteria. Quite disappointed with myself.

    Well being score of 5/10. My one allowable trade was with AMD.

    The setup/power (note they are highlighted in red it did not have the correct criteria)


    AMD did have 1M vol on the first minute which triggered me to look at it.Though AMD had a very bearish 2min candle, it did not cleanly break the tech level (24.06) to have an actual setup. the "Vish" setup only has two criteria, a very bearish candle and must break a tech level. Having only one out of two criteria satisfied is not remotely a setup. Though the price did bounce off the tech level 3 times, to have a "curtsy" you do need to cleanly break through the tech level as well. I remember exactly what I was thinking, "it needs to reach 24.03 at least to be considered breaking the tech level, but than it would reach the Bollinger-band and then trade would be Vetoed." Thus there is no trade to take. So instead of moving on to a different stock, I took the trade anyway and got stopped out.



    What I did good today: I kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.  Exited the trade correctly. Took correct share size. Kept to my 1 trade/day max rule, though I really wanted to revenge trade.

    How did I challenge myself today? I turned off my P/L window again for the forth day. Also, I kept to my 1 trade/day rule. Successfully kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.

    What I did bad today:  Traded AMD again!!! Traded without an actual setup, trade was not "powered" and almost at Veto level. A really bad day.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Even though I only traded once, I actually over traded. Must keep working on that. Must wait for the setup.....

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  16. Thursday 2/21/2019

    Well being score of 5/10. Though I felt a bit more nervous trading than usual this morning. My one allowable trade was with AMD.

    The setup/power:


    It was a "step" 2min ORB setup. Not a good 2nd 1min candle but it had really good "power" by my setups. It did a curtsy at the 24.13 level and strong volume on the 2min candle. I took the trade as it broke the 24.13 level. The price did reach my first target at 24.19 (1R, high of the day and at Bollinger-band) but the price had a quick down spike, the instant I sold, so got a poor partial price.

    I thought I missed the exit at B/E due to a hot key mistake. Then I looked at my video (3 times) and my final exit was not a hot key mistake. I clearly clicked "sell all" right at B/E but it did not register with the SW/Broker. I noticed it quickly and sold again 2 cents lower. Makes me a bit nervous the sell button, though it moved and I heard it click (in the video)  it did not register. Does this happen often? That's a first for me. I a have CMEG as my broker. I'm a little frazzled by this. 


    What I did good today: I kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule. Took my first partial at the correct spot. Exited the trade correctly. Took correct share size. Kept to my 1 trade/day max rule. Recovered quickly after the sell did not go through the first time.

    How did I challenge myself today? I turned off my P/L window again for the third day. Also, I kept to my 1 trade/day rule. Successfully kept to my 1min 45sec no trade rule.

    What I did bad today:  Traded AMD again!!!

    What can I do better tomorrow: Calm my nerves. Look at the scanners more when the watch-list is weak.

    Thanks for reading, hope everyone has a good day.

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    Wednesday 2/20/2019

    So my Garmin would not update this morning, so I was unsure of my well being score. Funny that Garmin also made the watch list this morning. So as a precaution I traded half size. An hour after I was finished trading my Garmin updated and I actually had a well being score of 3.5/10 and should have been on simulator today. Do’h! My one allowable trade was with FCX.

    The setup was a very bullish 2min candle forming powered by both volume and new high. But neither power was strong enough to take the trade by itself.


    I was a little nervous that the risk reward ratio was too large (6 to 1) and the trade was almost vetoed. I usually do not do well with R/R above 5. With more data I may reduce the veto limit.

    I was trying not to take any trades before 9:31:45, since I want to stop taking 1min ORB. I was watching the clock on this one and took the trade long when it made a new high a few seconds before 9:31:45. But, I was conscious of it and did respect new rule some. But no, I did not follow the new rule to the letter.

    I didn’t have any levels except the final target, so I took my first partial at 1R, which was also at the Bolinger band (4 sig). Then exited at B/E.


    What I did good today: Took my first partial at the correct spot. Exited trade correctly. Took correct share size. Kept to my 1 trade/day max rule. Also I traded something besides AMD/MU/AAPL. Traded OK, even with a low well being score.

    How did I challenge myself today? I turned off my P/L window again for the second day. Also, I kept to my 1 trade/day rule. Tried a 1min 45sec no trade rule.

    What I did bad today:  Failed to keep the 1min 45sec no trade rule.

    What can I do better tomorrow: Will enforce a trade start time tomorrow of 9:31:45 as a rule.


    Thanks for reading. Trade safe.



    • Like 1


    Tuesday 2/19/2019

    Well being score of 4.5/10. Thus, I will trade at half share size. My one allowable trade was with WMT

    Lots of emotions to work through today. I guess that is a good thing. Changing my review a bit. I will use a checklist like Mike B and Mark D and end with questions like Mark D (Thanks guys!).

    WMT formed a nice “step” 2min ORB. I was surprised after the trade (when I watched my video) how early I took the trade. So essentially it was a 1min ORB. Not happy with that, because I want to stop doing that. But it formed a full 2min ORB candle setup so I just assumed I was close to 9:32am and took the trade.

    Now by bad luck the price spiked (25 cents) the instant I took the trade causing a bad fill. 1/10 of a second earlier and it would have been a successful trade, but this is common so close to the open, so I am use to it. Not an issue. The issue happens when the price reaches my 1st partial (line in yellow on chart below – which I drew in premarket) and I don’t want to take it because profit is too small due to the bad fill. But I was able to take the partial today at the right location. Then price dropped to B/E, which of course was easy to reach due to the bad fill.

    FOMO was bad because the other 3 stocks on my watch-list all had a very good ORBs.

    The checklist: “the Step” setup and powered by the “Engl PM” (explained in my last post), which is the weakest of the momentum powers I use. No veto rule was broken.




    What I did good today: Took my first partial at the correct spot. When I get a bad fill its tough for me to take the 1st partial at the correct tech level since it is now very little profit. Kept FOMO in check. AMD was setting up for really nice 5min ORBU with a mini ABCD/Bull flag. But I controlled myself and kept to my 1 trade/day max rule. Also I traded something besides AMD/MU/AAPL, which I think I have become too comfortable with.

    How did I challenge myself today? I turned off my P/L window. First time since I started (10 months ago – 6m SIM, 4m Live). I was getting way too attached to it last week. It was time to stop it. Also I kept to my 1 trade/day rule.

    What I did bad today: Took a 1min ORB in reality. Still no improvement in patience

    What can I do better tomorrow: Will enforce a trade start time tomorrow of 9:31:45 as a rule.

    Plan for tomorrow: Will still turn off my P/L window. 1 trade/day max. First trade must be after 9:31:45 EST.


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  19. I was thinking adding a post trade checklists like Mike does, in my online journal. It won't be as comprehensive and organized as Mike's but I think it will be a useful exercise. I do go over this checklist mentally before and after a trade and then give the trade a score and determine how to improve. But I will try adding it to the journal and see how it goes.

    Since I am mainly taking 2min ORB trades, I will start with that. Though the time range for the 2min ORB is 9:31:45 to 9:34 EST


    What the setup was, how was the momentum powered by and did it break any veto rules.

    This is how I define the setups:

    Simple ORB 


    2min chart
    2min candle must:
    <0.25 ATR
    <1% move
    Cross VWAP near end of candle
    Must have strong tech levels for risk/reward

    Small wicks


    The Step


    1min chart
    Should not look like a bull flag

    2nd 1min candle should be as large or larger than the first


    Mini ABCD/Bull Flag



    Vish Candle


    2min chart

    Very bullish/bearish candle

    Take trade on a break of technical level


    I tend to find what is powering the momentum as important as the setup. The check list has the list in order from strongest to weakest.

    I find "The Curtsy" my strongest "power" indicator. This is when the price reaches a technical level I drew (usually from the daily chart) then touches it and retraces. Thus it is paying its respects to the level. Honestly I still don't trust that I am drawing these levels in the right place and if they are real. So this curtsy confirms it. I usually take the trade as it breaks it and the stop out if it retraces back.

    Next strongest is when I see the 2nd minute have as strong or stronger volume than the first.

    421 VWAP is when I see a large delta between VWAPs on the different charts. If I am thinking going long and the 2min chart VWAP is 0.67% higher than the 1min chart, that is a strong "power" indicator for me to use.

    DTL break is simply the break of a daily technical level

    Strong 1st is not only is there a strong final target, but if there is a good place to take the first partial as well, that seems help move the price.

    HiLo break is simply the break of the high or low of the day.

    Engulf PM is when the 2min candle engulfs an already large premarket 2min candle.


    Then I have my list of criteria that I will not take the trade at the last moment if one of them is broken.

    B-Bands is if the price is above the 20 SMA 4 sig Bolinger band

    R/R 2-7 to 1, I find if the risk to reward is too large >7 it's not real and I don't take the trade.


    So that's it. Sorry about the long entry. If any of you think something is very wrong with these setups, let me know. I have only been live 4 months and still have a lot to learn.


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  20. Summary for 2nd week of February


    So this is summary of my  2nd week of trading in which I journaled for the BBT community to view. This was also my 5th week of trading with the solitary goal to reduce my overtrading. First week was a brutal boot camp style trading. The initial reaction seemed helpful since my second week I traded very well. By the third week I was back to my old overtrading max loss self. Fourth week I went on a self-imposed 1-trade a day maximum, which went well initially, with a week of good trading. Now I just finished my second week on the 1 trade a day and it didn’t go as well. Actually was quite disappointing.



    Good Trades

    Neutral Trades

    Bad Trades

    1st week Feb




    2nd week Feb





    Lots of things to be disappointed about:

    1)    Broke my 1 trade a day rule on Wednesday with a revenge day

    2)    Continue to have correct share size issues. An issue I never had until last week.

    3)    Not stopping out correctly. Though an issue while I was on SIM, this has not been an issue while trading live. This week I was too early or late on the stop out 3 times (out of 6 total trades is really bad).

    4)    Even on the 2min ORB I seem to be jumping the gun a bit. I take the first trade to setup, not waiting for a really good one, or letting the so-so ones go by.

    5)    Not taking my partials correctly. Not taking my 1st partial if my share size was too small. Not taking my second partial a few pennies early in case my tech level was not placed accurately.

    Positive things:

    1)    Never hit max loss

    2)    Journaled every day this week on the BBT site. It wasn’t easy to show my trades to everyone, especially since I was not too proud of them.


    Next week:

    1)    Continue on 1 trade/day maximum. Apparently it is not easy for me to keep after a bad loss.

    2)    Concentrate on execution. Correct share size, correct partials and correct stop out. Especially the share size and stop outs. These are skills I already had and do not want to lose.

    3)    I feel I should do more. I will still think about it during the long week end.


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  21. Friday 2/15/2019
    Well being score of 4.5/10. Thus, I will trade at half share size. My one allowable trade was with AAPL.
    Mixed feelings from my one trade today. Its too bad I went all 5 days this week and there was no day I was satisfied with my trading, though previous week went well. I was really fighting my trading demons this week. This morning NVDA was on my main chart (linked to my L2), but AAPL and AMD got lots of volume in the first minute so I moved them to my main and "up to bat" chart. I was looking at AAPL long or AMD short. AMD looked better but AAPL setup occurred earlier. But, that is really no reason to jump in. Plus, I really don't like the 1min ORB I prefer the 2min ORB. Anyway obviously the FOMO was to strong and took AAPL. 
    Now as for AAPL, the trade was OK. The setup was adequate at best (but at least there was a setup, not like AMD and TEVA from earlier this week), AAPL had an ABCD from premarket, great 1min vol, but 1min candle wicks were large with no direction. So just a so-so setup. I shouldn't have taken it seeing that AMD was setting up nicely. Now as for execution goes, that went well. Entrance was good. I let it move a little bit farther than my usual entry to make sure it was going in the right direction since 1min candle bidirectional. I had to adjust share size due to the larger risk since I let it move a bit. So share size was right (half size), then when it reached my level for the first partial (high of the day and 1R) it was difficult to take like earlier this week. With half shares your P/L is really small when you take the 1st partial. But, I took it at the correct spot. Also, I have been bad this week stopping out, but I did stop out right at B/E as well.
    So should I have taken the trade? I will give the setup a bad rating. It was FOMO talking. But, I am happy with my execution since this week has had poor execution. So I will give this trade overall a neutral rating. Sad, that means I do not have a trade that I would rate as "good" this whole week.
    Obviously, I will have to stay on the one trade a day rule next week. I am also removing the 1min ORB off my setup list. I have only taken that setup 4 times live. First two times were winners so I had some confidence in it. But, I took this setup twice this week, when it should be one a month. That sounds like FOMO. 
    Have a good long weekend.
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  22. Thursday 2/14/2019

    Well being score of 4.5/10. Thus, I will trade at half share size. My one allowable trade was with MU.

    Good setup

    Took trade exactly where I wanted

    Correct share size

    1st partial at the correct location, which isn’t easy knowing I am at half shares.

    2nd partial a bit early. I have been burned recently just missing my 2nd target by a penny. But I took this 9 cents too early, not good either.

    Exit was bad. If I waited for the correct exit (at B/E) I would have a heck of run with MU. But I was so burned yesterday taking my stop out late, I exited early and missed the big run with MU. I guess it will take a few days to get my nerve back.


    A comment about yesterday’s journal entry (TEVA trade). I wrote the journal entry before watching the video replay of my trade. Wow what a difference. Setup was horrible, it was 3+% away from VWAP. I thought it was OK, the 1min candle was smaller than half ATR, but that was tunnel vision. I spotted the trade on a small chart that VWAP was out of view. So I guess out of site out of mind. I transferred the stock to my main chart connected to L2 and looks like I took the trade immediately as soon as it broke the tech level. So in that 1 or 2 seconds that VWAP was available to see I was focusing on the entry point instead. It instantly reversed before I could notice how far from VWAP it was and re-evaluate.

    So for the first 3 months of being live I used Bolinger bands to determine if the trade was too extended. They look good in ETRADE-Pro and easy to manipulate. It made the DAS chart too busy and too many mouse clicks to change the settings. so I decided not to use them 2 weeks ago when I switch to DAS. I don’t take <5min ORBs if it’s beyond the 20MA +4 sigma band , which this clearly was. What a bad setup. It was the setup for a reversal back to VWAP. See image with Bolinger bands (dotted line) added. I took the trade long at the green line, yikes!


    And here is the MU chart. Missed the boat on that one.



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