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PeterP last won the day on August 6 2024

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  1. Hello PeterB Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my post. I will check Tradingview. 🙂
  2. I am a new member. Trading is new for me. I read Thor's book with great interest and the strategies he describes totally speak to me. I initially paid for DAS Trader Pro simulator. My DAS subscription ended. NinjaTrader has some nice features that are not available in DAS Trader Pro, so I opened an account. After the 14-day trial I realized that NinjaTrader does not allow Canadians to open paid accounts. Any other country would work, but Canada. They told me they were working on it and advised me to check every week. I phoned ThinkOrSwim and they told me that with a Canadian address I was not able to open an account either. I had an idea that maybe to start I could just use Bookmap. I can set it up so that it also displays candle sticks. The problem is that Bookmap does not have the Camarilla pivots study. I heard that some people used Sierra Charts. I checked that Sierra Charts do have Camarilla points (which is great), but only up to the 5th levels. I guess I could live with that, but they don't provide phone support. I will have to dig through their documentation and figure out what works and what doesn't. I will do it, because I don't have a better idea at the moment. Question: If you are trading futures from Canada and use Camarilla pivot points and Bookmap, and use a platform that is more cost effective than DAS Trader Pro, please let me know. My goal is to have a setup I can use to check if I understood the strategies, can execute them correctly in a simulator and am consistently profitable. When I achieve that I can use a different setup to trade with real money (maybe by that time NinjaTrader will be available for Canadians. Please note that they said it would be available only for customers from Ontario [figure out why?]. I am in Ontario, so I guess lucky for me) I really like NinjaTrader and the possibility to set a stop when the price reaches a moving average. As far as I know, one is not able to do it in DAS. Thank you!
  3. Hello, I am very new as well and am trying to figure out what the hot keys are all about. I found the post by Kyle 'DAS - Dynamically Calculate Shares on %Risk or $Risk - Hot Key + Configuration, Updated 9/10/19, v2.1'. There is a link in that post https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TJy7jRHhdMYGyyfKbbYd3M7j6bqxgeoy/view?pli=1 you can download his excel configuration file from there.
  4. Hello Everyone,

    I have just joined the community and am now in the process of understanding and getting ready to set up the hot keys in DAS Trader Simulator.  I used to develop software in C++ and other languages, so I think I have a good base to learn it.  I was wondering where I can find the definition of the scripting language for hot keys.  It would help me understand how scripts written by other people work and write my own.

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