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About rossmorgan

  • Birthday 08/10/1985
  • Location Midleton, County Cork, Ireland

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  1. Hi All, To date I have been trading using TWS. My approach has essentially been to buy and hold to target without taking partials. It has become apparent to me that I would have better success if I started taking partials and moving my stop to break even. If possible I would like to continue using TWS. I am using buttons on ChartTrader to manage trades at the moment but can’t figure out any way to take partials and move the stop. I know most people in the chatroom seem to be using DAS Trader but I am wondering if anyone has figured out how to take partials using TWS? Ross
  2. Hi, I'm just wondering is anyone else having issues with the Trading Terminal Scanner at the moment? for the past few days my gappers up and gappers down scanners have up on a hundred items showing each morning.
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