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PJ Garcia

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PJ Garcia last won the day on December 6 2022

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About PJ Garcia

  • Rank
    Nasdaq Trader
  • Birthday July 15
  • Location Fishkill, NY, USA

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  1. Mohand, welcome to BBT. Feel free to reach out if you need any help.

  2. Whats up mytroy2050. Im in the hudson valley area. Welcome to BBT. How long have you been trading for and what do you trade? As for myself, I been trading for 1 year and I trade stocks.
  3. Why is reading and education yourself important as a day trader???
    In day trading, there are so many concepts, intricacies, nomenclature, perspectives, and opinions as to how to trade stocks. With all the information out there, it's sometimes overwhelming whether you’re a novice or experienced trader. I’d also like to make it clear that being an experienced trader does not necessarily mean that you are a successful trader. A successful trader is one that has mastery over this craft with true understanding and insight of how exactly the market works regardless of what strategy they are using. So, with all the info out there, how exactly does one navigate their way to being able to achieve full mastery over this craft? While I can’t tell you every way, as I’m still a novice, I will tell you one common sense approach which has given me an edge. It’s by reading books. As many as you possibly can. Be selective though. Sift through the garbage out there and find credible well-known books.
    Let me explain why reading will give you an extreme edge over traders who neglect this important approach.
    In order for me to illustrate the value of reading many books for the purpose of learning a craft, you’re going to have to use your imagination. Imagine you’re in a meetup with some of the most successful traders that have ever lived, past and present. Imagine you were able to take a deep look into their minds and obtain a descriptive summary of their analysis, strategies, mindset as well as obstacles and how they dealt with obstacles. Imagine you were able to just listen to all of them explain so many valuable discussion points. You didn’t interrupt them; you just spent your time being a good listener. There is no one to interrupt the conversation causing the trader to go off topic. Imagine you could spend the rest of your career doing this with the most successful traders you come across. There is a way to do this...
    This scenario is the equivalent of reading books by successful traders who have mastery over their craft. Don’t cut corners & don’t be lazy. If you do, you will just come to the realization after much time wasted that there are no short cuts to mastering the craft of trading. Gathering insights from experienced professionals in this field can prove to be tremendously valuable. I tell you this from experience. At the time of this writing, I have dissected around 24 books about the market and trading. I can only imagine how lost I would be without having chosen the correct route to take. That route is through reading and extensively researching. You cannot expect to go far in one of the most challenging careers in the world by following social media “gurus”, con-artists clowns with the “simple strategies” and penny stock or low float pump and dump masters. Do some scholarly research and find some credible resources with sound knowledge to build a foundation with. Mastery of day trading requires discipline and correct approach/ mindset. You must put in the work to get the consistent and long-term results. Don’t sacrifice long term success for short term satisfaction!
    -PJ Garcia
  4. Hello Everyone, My name is PJ and I'm from New York, USA (lower NY area) and I've decided to jump on board once again with Bear Bull Traders. I was a member briefly in the summer time and I have learned a whole lot about trading then. The information is extremely valuable. I decided to come back after realizing all the new content BBT continues to add. I didn't want to miss out on it. I'm still a novice and a fairly new trader (began live trading in April '22). I'm very happy with the success I've had so far. I see the extreme value in being a member in a community such as BBT as well. I have fallen in love with the process of trading and that's how I base success in this craft. The money comes with the levels of achievements. I have come to accept this is a craft that is highly psychological and based on probabilities. I have so far constructed my trade book and I continue to do sample sets and back testing different strategies. I'm big on the simulator. I spend way more time in the simulator than trading real money. I'm looking to connect with responsible and disciplined day traders. If you're looking to expand your network of traders, don't hesitate to add me to the list. Respectfully, PJ Garcia
  5. A Day Traders Mindset & Attitude...

    Mindset and attitude are crucially important to your success as a trader as with anything else in life. Mindset to put it brief is your set of core beliefs and these core beliefs will have a direct impact on your actions and habits. Your attitude must reflect that you may have to fail your way to the top. You must be resilient and willing to get back up after being knocked down. The market has its own way of teaching you respect. Accept the fact you’re going to get your teeth kicked in from time to time. Its best that you take all the punches in the beginning, so you learn to bob and weave early on. It takes tough character, courage, and confidence to stay in the markets. Becoming a good trader means working on yourself as a person in whole. Any underlying psychological issues you have will show in your trading. Knowing when not to trade is vitally important. As for myself personally, I have found a direct correlation between my external stressors affecting my trading performance. If you’re anything like me, you may be looking for a dopamine boost within a trade when under allot of external stress. This means subconsciously hunting for homeruns and then revenge trading when I strike out. Truly a recipe for disaster. Being self-aware and disciplined leads to true mastery.

     Don’t ever underestimate the capabilities of not only yourself, but also of the human mind. You are capable of much more than you can imagine and only struggles, falling and getting back up will prove this to be true. One of the reasons I fell in love with trading securities is because of the personal development aspect.

  6. Do Not Underestimate Yourself...

    To briefly illustrate to you the gift our Creator has bestowed upon us and the capabilities you possess, I’d like to draw your attention to modern cars. Today’s modern cars such as Tesla have multiple computer systems. Through system updates and sensors along with artificial intelligence, these cars are continuously receiving feedback, processing this information, and developing new parameters that allow for improved response, performance, output, and even self-driving. I want you to really reflect on how amazing and complex that is. The human body and consciousness is very similar and at the same time vastly more complex and capable of so much more. Neurological sciences have shown us that our nervous system is made up of billions of neurons, message pathways, and groups of neurons that form function modules. Neurons are your body’s own super computers that send messages as well as receive messages through neural pathways that allow our state of consciousness and abilities to constantly evolve. By educating yourself on neuroplasticity as well as different psychological and biological “hacks”, you can direct or steer your evolutionary process resulting in new skills and abilities that you may have thought was never possible. This is without doubt easier said than done. Not because it’s difficult, but because for many individuals, it’s because they have allowed themselves to evolve into comfortable, lazy, unproductive, and unmotivated people by seeking dopamine responses through outcome instead of process. We live in a “push-button” society that has destroyed allot of the morals and values that brought mankind to the advances and accomplishments of today. Many do not realize that we as a society are becoming more stupid by the second. Think about that when the liberal woke left attempts to push their ridiculous agendas on you. The type of agendas that only push us more into the realm of stupidity. We are now handicapped by all the technology around us. All we do is seek ease and comfort when you can only grow through challenge, pain, and hard work. There were many habits and routines our ancestors committed to that allowed us to advance in knowledge and wisdom. Things like meditation, diet, working hard for what you have, and the list goes on. Sadly, within the last 75 years or so, we have been back peddling. How many phone numbers do your have memorized? How long can you go without your phone or internet? How much TV do you watch? How much time do you spend outside? How much sunlight do you get? There are some individuals who still keep healthy habits, but when you look around, you will see it’s not many, or at least it’s not the majority. You can change that right now. It’s hard work in the beginning but you can create the new you, or for some, you can break away from the ill effects of the current times we live in and begin the process of re-structuring your brain through neuroplasticity and the likes.

  7. Day Trading......Gambling or is it a business???

    Let’s go over a scenario. Imagine you open a clothing store. You go to a supplier who has a few boxes of clothes. You buy those boxes without opening them to inspect what style clothes they are or what they are even worth. You didn’t bother planning your business such as looking up demographics, prime location, or anything. You throw all your inventory on hangers and hope they sell. Your store is right in the middle of nowhere and you paid more for the clothes than what they are even worth. You open your doors and just hope to make profit. Sad to say, but many individuals treat day trading this way. This is gambling.

    I’ll tell you what’s not gambling. Before opening the clothing store, you do your due diligence. You research demographics, pick a prime location and you research suppliers who will give you quality clothes at a very low price enabling you to potentially make a good profit. You open your doors after careful preparation with having positioned yourself at good odds of turning a profit. There will be a few items in your store that aren’t profitable but because of the research and preparation, the other items make up for those losses. This is how successful traders treat day trading. This is not gambling, this is business.

    Treat day trading like a business!

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