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  1. Hi Martin Really appreciate the insights and on further investigation and feedback from others in the chat room it appears DAS on occasion prints a different close price than other platforms. This mainly occurs on a Monday as DAS doesn't take into account the Sunday session in futures. I believe the open / close prices in my example where off due to including pre-market data in one and not the other. I've been looking for a platform that handles the trading of futures more succinctly than DAS. I am based in New Zealand so can't get TOS. I've experimented with TastyWorks, however have ultimately settled on TradingView integrated in to Interactive Brokers for trading. So far it is working well and other than the CAMs at times being different to what is on Thor's screen in the chat room, the adherence to the CAMs has been printed in Trading View has been good. Thanks again. TC
  2. Hi all I recall this being discussed in the chatroom previously, but can't remember the punch line. Does anyone know why the DAS close price varies from other services? For example, on the 28th of March the below was the reported MESM23 close price: DAS: $4013.75 tastyworks: $4001.50 TradingView: $4001.50 Interactive Brokers: $4001.50 The main impact for this on my strategy is when trading Camarilla Pivots the pivot calculations are going to be different in these platforms than DAS. For example, the following day (29th of March) R4 printed at the following price: DAS: $4155.837 tastyworks: $4025.288 TradingView: $4025.288 Interactive Brokers: $4025.288 On range days like in the current market, a 30 point discrepancy can make a lot of difference when trying to play the CAMs on TradingView and trying to keep up with Thor on DAS 🙂 Any thoughts, or insights into what I'm missing would be greatly appreciated. TC
  3. Hi @yashupl These are Camarilla Pivot Points. @Thorwho is part of the BBT team has a whole trading strategy based around these and Level 2. Thor's insights, experience and teachings on this strategy was a game changer for me as I was starting out my trading journey. If you look through the Education Center Thor has a number of lessons on price action and using the Camarilla Pivots system. You should also watch all of Thor's Thursday Mentor sessions in the Webinars section of BBT as in everyone of these you will pick-up something new to further advance your learnings. Thor has also just released his book which, in my opinion is the new go to resource on Camarilla Pivots and Level 2. It is a solid investment, and combined with his lessons and webinars on BBT will give you a great foundation to trade this strategy. https://www.amazon.com/Complete-Day-Trading-System-psychology/dp/B0BMT39CTJ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ANVEGYYGM8NY&keywords=thor+young+a+complete+day+trading+system&qid=1674013607&sprefix=thor+youn%2Caps%2C290&sr=8-1&ufe=app_do%3Aamzn1.fos.006c50ae-5d4c-4777-9bc0-4513d670b6bc I've really started to find an edge trading this strategy, especially in the afternoon session and the more 'saddle time' I get trading either in Sim or Live, the more it starts to 'click'. Good luck and hope this helps. TC
  4. Thanks for sharing @Brothers. This is really useful as I trade from New Zealand and at times get caught-out by lag. 99% of the time it's not an issue, until it is so this will help keep a check on things. -TC
  5. Hi AdamzTradez

    Great initiative and would love to be a part of!


    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

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