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  1. Hi! I'd love to join the book club for Thor's book.  Thanks!



    (Domina Negotiatione)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. candradei


      Hello, could I be added too?

    3. KarnitaPT


      Yes, could I also be added.  Reading his book now.

    4. AdamzTradez


      Hello @Candraei @KarnitaPT - I've added you in.  We start Monday 9th!

  2. Just got Thor's book (paperback). Is it too late to be part of the book study?

    Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. 2bgreat


      Hi Adam. I would be very interested in joining the book study if possible. Thanks so much!


    3. AdamzTradez


      Hello Barb! I have added you!

      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

    4. 2bgreat


      Thank you Adam. Happy New Year!

  3. Hi Adam! I'm interested in the group study on Thor's book. 🙂


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

    3. Tartan Trader

      Tartan Trader

      Hey there, can you add me also? Would love to participate !

    4. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  4. Hi Adam, I am interested in joining the book study. Thanks


    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  5. Hi Adam,

    My name is Jeff Podell and would love to be part of working group on Thor's book. please let me know - many thanks and my email is [email protected].

    thanks again,


    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

    2. jpodell


      Adam thanks for setting this up and i look forward to participating. Regarding your questions:

      1. Still waiting for hard copy in order to order and then read

      2. Thor has over the past year has been invaluable in teaching me a system that delivers an edge, has allowed me to learn a streamlined and "simple" system (CAMS, VPA, Tape/L2) which while very hard to execute - which is really great; it allows me to continue building on my education in the system and allows me to most importantly focus on the execution of this system and being more disciplined in trading it. Love learning how to get better within a system where the focus is what is happening now.

      3.  I've been in the asset management space for 30yrs, but have been day trading since August of 2021 and joining the BBT community in October 2021 which has proved invaluable. 

      4. I am an intraday trader using (or trying to utilize :)) the "Thor's comprehensive system" - looking to better understand where longer term participants have to take action and to integrate an option strategy to both trade, but for now to learn how they also impact where large investors need to take action.

      Thanks again,


  6. Hello! I'd love to participate in the group study!

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  7. @AdamzTradez I am interested

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  8. Hi adamztradez just got the book, i would like to be part of the group

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  9. Hi AdamzTradez

    Great initiative and would love to be a part of!


    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  10. Hi AdamzTradez - I'd like to participate in the study group.

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages, you should be included into a group conversation titled, "Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  11. Hi, AdamzTradez - Thanks for organizing this. I am interested in the study group

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  12. I am interested group study



    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages. I have added you to a group conversation titled.
      Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

  13. +1

    1. AdamzTradez


      Check your forum messages, you should be include into a group conversation titled, "Thor's Book Group Study - "A Complete Day Trading System"

    2. starlight


      Thank you Adam, we'll get together soon.

  14. very much Interested, let me know what I can do 

    1. You vs You

      You vs You

      @AdamzTradez - Thank you for the initiatives 

  15. I'd like to get in on the Thor study group. Great idea!

    1. Oscar


      I am interested in joining the group

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