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  1. How can I sync my charts to shows horizontal line if I make it in one of them?
  2. hi, im having issues with my video recorder, when i start recording my mouse get slow, my pc it's not in the same speed, i use OBS STUDIO, which one are you recommend that it's better ?
  3. How can I create a hotkey that sell my pos if the stock goes down 0.20 ?
  4. I hit my hotkey to buy “Shift+Z” , and then the software requires me to press enter but it’s just with the hotkey that I setup, if I click on buy the order is executed at once
  5. thank you, you are the best, another question How can I make my orders with the hoykey execute quickly without having to hit enter? I added a hotkey to buy and when I run it it asks me to press enter
  6. good morning, how can i configure the buy and sell marks in das simulator? i mean the one that appear when you buy a stock and the appear when u sell thank you for the support
  7. Hi, I am interested in acquiring 3 months of DAS simulator, but it does not show me if the offer that bbt has is the package that brings level 2, can someone confirm me before acquiring the 3 months? please
  8. HI EVERYONE, I am starting in the world of day trading and I would like to know which computer is the best to work with, whether laptops or desktop computers, and what capacity? I would appreciate your advice
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