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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/04/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    @NikkiB I dabbled in day trading in 2019, then in February of 2020 I traded every day, but most of the days I just traded the first 45 minutes. So I had a solid 7 1/2 months before the BootCamp. But I can’t even consider the first 3-4 months in my “live” account as trading. I didn’t have an edge. So I guess I was still pretty green entering the BootCamp. The advice I would give anyone entering the next BootCamp. Leverage your coach/team leader, communicate with them on developing your rules, and TradeBook. And do it early in the BootCamp. Also have Ardi change your daily max loss to 3-4 times your risk per trade. I asked a few times at the beginning to lower my daily max loss, but was told we weren’t allowed. Then in the end another trader told me Ardi did change his daily max for him. Don’t focus on the number you need to reach, it puts added pressure on you to be profitable. Just trade well and it will show in your equity curve. Treat your TradeBook and daily review and journal like a science project. They are supposed to focus more on the mentoring this second time, so take advantage of it. Another thing I struggled with was journaling in Chartlog. I tried to just add that to my normal journaling routine. That was way too much. I was basically trying to journal in 3 different programs, I used OneNote and TraderVue before the BootCamp. so adding the third journaling aspect made me rush through my journaling to get stuff entered, I didn’t really “absorb” my daily performance like I usually do with my normal routine. I would suggest just focusing on using chartlog for your review and journal. I believe if I had dropped the other stuff and just used Chartlog, it would have saved me some time and relieved some stress. Start writing down your edge/TradeBook now, get a head start on the BootCamp Process. Feel free to ask any other questions, I’d be happy to give you my thoughts.
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