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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Anytime I am shorting options, I am doing an OTM credit spread about 45 days out behind a support or resistance on the daily. This maximizes the theta decay from one day to the next increasing your rate of receiving max profit. You should cut it around 21 days if you are close to max profit or roll it forward to keep the decay rate high if it is still a good trade. Since this is so many days out, I would only do daily chart entries or higher. The profit from these takes a little time, but that is a huge edge from the theta decay. Enter for mid-term trade ideas. Was there an earnings overreaction? If the price drops into a support level, initiate a spread with the strikes well below the bottom of that support, and as the Implied Volatility dries up you will immediately be in the money.
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