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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I’m trying to get a better understating of how institutional traders play a role in our trading strategies. When we are trading our strategies, like the ABCD pattern or ORB, is it the buying and selling of the institutes that are creating the big price moves that we are riding up or down for profit? Or is it sometimes a mass amount of retail traders making the price move? It is to my understating that us retail traders don’t have enough power to move the prices. So I am assuming we are trying to anticipate the decisions of the institutes and ride their moves to take a share of profits? Is it the institutes actions that cause the pre market gaps? When we are trading a trend trade, is that trend up happening because institutes are continuing to buy it up or because there is no institutes interested in selling? I’m just trying to wrap my head around it because I think it will help me make better trading decisions once I clearly understand how our strategies are effected by the institutes. I try to research it, but still have a little confusion about it. Anything helps.
  2. 1 point
    I finished the audible on this book about a week ago. I drive a lot so having the option to get through a book is pretty cool. It is a great audible, the narrator does a great job with all the short stories of the successful traders in the book. The books goes over how many different ways people trade different markets, using different tools, different strategies and different setups. It covers traders all around the world and how they found markets and strategies to trade that fit their personality. The struggle they went through and how they overcame them. There were two messages that were really clear for me in this book. First, is that no matter what market or type of trading you are doing, there is no skipping the learning curve. It can be really painful as you hear some of the traders who lost all their savings, plus their family members in some cases. Some took time off and came back to trading a few years later to then be successful. Andrew said it best in his book "you need to survive the learning curve", as a new traders that is our number one task. Second is how crucial it is to be disciplined when it comes to sticking to your stop loss. Almost every trader, regardless of the market, talked about how they manage their stop loss, and how critical it is to execute it and not stay in a trade expecting it to change. This is an easy way to blow up your account. This was a great book, if you are able to do the audible I highly recommend it. Please add your review of the book if you have read it as well, would like to see what others got out of it. Carlos M.
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