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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I'm from the UK and joined BBT about 2 weeks ago after reading Andrews 2 books and have been sim trading since, mainly had red days due to overtrading and not taking proper set ups, I've since worked on this and am currently on a 2 day green streak. People have spoken about the importance of keeping a journal so I'm giving it a go. At the moment it will just be a record of my trades and and some notes about why i took it, the plan, entries, exits and how i thought it went but may add some more detail to it if necessary, especially once I go live. I typically take buy/sell in 100 shares with the aim to enter trades with a maximum loss of $10, so risking 10c, but will take less shares if the risk is clearly higher. I try to practise a variety of setups but always have my main focus on volume price action. So here goes. 3/7/19 Mood is pretty good, feeling nervous to try to keep my streak alive, as well as knowing I'll be posting the results online.. Things to work on today: Only taking proper setups that are verified by volume, and waiting for a good entry with a focus on not chasing and then getting stopped out on a pullback. trade 1: 5 min orb on BUD, momentum seemed to be bearish, after the pullback, volume was gaining as price decreased so i entered. entry was decent on a slight pullback, waited for at least 1 R before my first partial. shouldve got all out earlier but was convinced it was going to be a false breakout so kept my original stop loss and lost most my money gained. Trade 2: MA trend on NVDA, in hindsight I should know this is a bad time for this strategy so shouldnt have taken this. even so entry was OK not great but i took half shares, got one partial before i stopped out. not good MA trend on AMRN: already held the 50 on the 1 min and bounced right back, so my entry was good i think. took a partial slightly early as i got nervous followed by a hotkey mistake before i went all out. starting to get a bit frustrated but was only slightly red so still okay. trade 4: reversal on FB, saw a double top had formed at an even 197, so took this trade early before any moving average crosses to minimise my risk with stop above the top. think i shouldve waited for the cross and didnt stick to my stoploss so lost a fair bit on this. trade 5: VWAP false breakout, saw it broke above VWAP twice and formed a double top at 2 resistance levels. my entry wasnt good, almost got stopped out because i thought it was about to run. waited a good amount before i started partialling and eventually got stopped out with a good profit. Trade 6: MA trend, stock bounced off the 50 on the 1 min chart with increasing volume so got it, entry was OK for stop losing the 50. tried to take a partial at 1R and ended up buying more... almost got stopped out then another hotkey mistake. luckily once PCL broke the stock ran so i made a nice profit. definitely time to stop after this since i was making stupid mistakes. overall almost hit my target but stayed in the green... did brake rules though. going to set physical stop losses for reversals to minimise losses. still need to work on entries and thinking about is this a good setup.
  2. 1 point
    July 3, 2019 Another tough day full of lessons. BAD AUDIO. I just bought a new mike. I'll figure it out. I promise..
  3. 1 point
    Wednesday July 3rd, 2019 Sleep: 7 hours. Mood: debating on whether to trade at all today. i'm expecting chop. Market was choppy, didn't see anything i liked in the first half hour so i closed my DAS so i wouldn't be tempted to take a dumb trade. going to work around the house and get ready for the holiday. i hope everyone has a great holiday!
  4. 1 point
    Oops!! Still have a lot to learn :-(. I want to share this with the BBT-community, and will work on it, so I can show a 'better' checklist next time. I don't want to hide from my mistakes, as being conscious of them will be the first step to work on them!! BTW: even if I break a rule occasionally (and follow them most of the time) I decided to cross the 'Yes'. I need to see it Black/white. Breaking the rule once is breaking the rule. Anyone else who dares to show his/her checklist?
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