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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi BBT members, my name is Albert R. I am 40 years old and I am a member of the community since MayI am a professor of economics and mathematics and I also have a small business in Spain. I found Andrew's book more than a year ago, after searching a lot online, I'm doing the steps to make real trading, and the moment for that will be next week after months in simulation. I follow you daily on youtube and on Twitter and I will try to participate and help grow this community since I love trading, but step by step. Thank you everyone Ebretrader
  2. 1 point
    WTW ABCD - May 11, 2018 WTW gapped up and then rocketed at the open. I considered taking an ORB but it was too far from VWAP for a favourable risk-to-reward. Andrew ended up going long at 74.80 at 9:38 AM and managed to get some profit before the drop to VWAP. Shortly after, I watched an ABCD pattern consolidate with a strong support at VWAP and the 9 EMA. My stop would be VWAP at 73.80 with a target of 75.89. With an entry at 74.50, the risk to reward-to-risk was 2.0. I accidentally took double the size and quickly sold half just above break-even. Despite my conviction that it was a long, I wasn't able to manage my risk properly with that larger size. The stock continued to make higher-highs and higher-lows and I scaled out accordingly. When it made a new 5-min low, I was all out. Unfortunately for me, that was just a quick pullback and the stock ended up hitting my target a few minutes later. Oh well--great trade nonetheless.
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