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Just introducing myself

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Hello everyone, 

Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Mauricio but do please call me Mau, I'm a software developer by profession, being at it for more than 9 years.

I decided to join the community after months of reading books about investing, day trading and the stock market in general, I find the profession of day trading very intriguing and as creating software every trade is a new learning experience.

Hope we can meet at some point either virtually of physically, and hope to meet some people and form a study group of sorts, just talk about setups, or give feedback on trades.

I haven't even started sim trading yet, going through the courses just now!

Anyway just wanted to say hello to everyone in this group!


[email protected]

Twitter: @tradeicio

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Hey @mau I’m also from Vancouver my name is Sam btw I’m still in university and learning this on the side would love to make a group for Vancouver. We could arrange a meet up for Vancouver as well.

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Hey guys I am in Vancouver too, not sure if either of you have met up, but I would be open to meeting new people. Fairly new about 6 months on SIM


My discord is mrandrewstiller#2612 easiest way to reach me


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Hey @Maddykitten nice meeting ya! we haven't set up a change to meet just added you to my discord Im mau#3542 Im also very new barely 4months in sim, looking for a trading buddy or group of people to chat.


[email protected]

Twitter: @tradeicio

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