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Greg M

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  1. Hi Peter, Thank you for your quick response. I do not need it to be portable. I am not sure what atx is, so I am guessing full size. My monitors are HP 27in and utilize HDMI connectors. I am not sure if that is what you mean by connectivity As you can probable tell I am not a technology guy, so something from a vendor, right out of the box with a warranty.
  2. Hi All, My computer has just about had it and I am looking to purchase a new one. I would appreciate everyone’s thoughts on what you would consider the best desktops for trading are. I currently run DAS and Bookmap on 3 monitors. I would like to increase this to 4 monitors. Any suggestions? Thank you, Greg
  3. Hi Greg, welcome to the Colorado Group.

    1. Greg M

      Greg M

      Hi,  and thank you, I look forward to getting to know you and others in the group.


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