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Posts posted by Bashulto

  1. I had the same question and solved it by

    1) Assigning a name to each chart (for example, i used “Chart_WL_1”,”Chart_WL_2”… and so on).

    2)Assigning a hot key with the two parts.  First setting focus on the first chart with the “FocusWindow [the name of your first chart]” command.  The second part is assigning the time frame with the command “MinuteChart [time frame]”.

    In my case I have six charts that I want to change at the same time with one hotkey, the script to change to five minutes looks like this:

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_1; MinuteChart 5;

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_2; MinuteChart 5;

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_3; MinuteChart 5;

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_4; MinuteChart 5;

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_5; MinuteChart 5;

    FocusWindow Chart_WL_6; MinuteChart 5;

    Hope this helps.

    Captura de pantalla 2021-07-20 235225.png

    Captura de pantalla 2021-07-20 235420.png

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