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  1. Just joined the BBT community and it's worth every penny to become an Elite member. After reading Dr. Andrew Aziz's book and Brian Pezim's book, I find swing trading suits my personality much more than day trading. Is it necessary for me to use 4 monitors? Would I be fine if I just use the recommended DELL XPS 15 by itself? I'm fairly new to trading, any advice or feedback would be appreciated and very helpful. Thank you! Happy Trading BBT, Nolan
  2. Greetings BBT! My name is Nolan, I'm a 21 year-old aspiring actor and martial artist from San Francisco, CA. I have always found interest in both business and investing, and after endless research and then reading Andrew's book How to Day Trade for a Living, there was no better way to start my journey to financial freedom than to join a credible community of successful day traders and acquiring life-long skills to understand the financial markets. I am very pleased with what the community has to offer and the opportunities it brings. I just joined this week and focusing mainly in the Education Center and Onboarding introductions. I cannot wait to meet everyone in the community and soak as much knowledge in as I can. I appreciate everyone giving me the chance to learn, and someday I hope I can contribute to the growth and education of the BBT community! Thank you BBT! Nolan
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