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Posts posted by D_Zitter2

  1. Hi All,

    I hope anyone can help me with this?

    So I have a hotkey for a fixed risk of $50:

    StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.1 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+;ROUTE=LIMIT;
    My question is, how can I make a hotkey for a stoploss (when by any reason my original stop loss is lost) at that $50 fixed risk level (example: AvgCost=340.83, Shares=250, so 50/250=0.2 > AvgCost-0.2= 338.83= Stoploss fixed risk $50

  2. Hi All,

    I also have a question.

    So I have a hotkey for a fixed risk of $50:

    StopPrice=Price-0.01;DefShare=BP*0.97;Price=Ask-Price+0.01;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0.05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=400;TriggerOrder=RT:STOP STOPTYPE:MARKET PX:StopPrice-0.1 ACT:SELL STOPPRICE:StopPrice QTY:Pos TIF:DAY+;ROUTE=LIMIT;
    My question is, how can I make a hotkey for a stoploss (when by any reason my original stop loss is lost) at that $50 fixed risk level (example: AvgCost=340.83, Shares=250, so 50/250=0.2 > AvgCost-0.2= 338.83= Stoploss fixed risk $50
    I hope there is anyone who can help me with it.

  3. Hey guys,

    I am through my learning phase and am going into the sim-phase. I'm trying to setup my hotkeys, but I have some problems with them. With the fixed dollar risk hotkey, long or short, from Kyle's hotkey excell-file I always get a "Script:Invalid operator" and sometimes, seems to me at random, a "Set default share to 400". Does anyone have an idea what I'm doing wrong? These are the scripts I used.


    DefShare=BP*1;Price=Ask-Price+0,01;SShare=50/Price;Share=DefShare-SShare;DefShare=DefShare+SShare;SShare=Share;Sshare=DefShare-SShare;Share=0.5*SShare;TogSShare;ROUTE=LIMIT;Price= Ask+0,05;TIF=DAY+;BUY=Send;DefShare=400;



  4. Hi everyone,


    My name is David Zitter, I am 36 years old, from the Netherlands (Rotterdam) and I work there as an occupational health doctor. I have been reading about and orientating myself for roughly 9 months on trading/investing in stocks, and therefore also on day trading.

    After reading Andrew Aziz’s book "How To Day Trade For A Living" and after that also ""Advanced Techniques in Day Trading", I want to take the serious step of actually being a day trader and am very determined and focussed on being a consistent day trader. Of course first in a simulator, where I am not in a hurry and count on 6 months of training in that simulator before day trading with real money. Further to know, I want to do it next to my work, which is doable on an daily basis because I have a lot of autonomy in my work and because of the +6 hours time difference I can do it after I'm done working. But practically, I think I want to do it 3-4 d/w, but I can also easily see myself doing it 5 d/w.

    As was the advice I've read, don't trade alone. Besides the part that I very much like the social factor in it, I also value the group effort you can make together. So here I am 🙂, excited to meet all of you! Also, if possible, I'll find here a trading buddy or a mentor to guide me and who I can spar with.

    And I always enjoy meeting like-minded people, new people, possibly future friends and expanding my network, so I’m always in for a videoconference with a coffee to talk some more about it! I would love to hear from all of you and be part of the community.




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