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James Thornton

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  1. I am interested in this! I live in the PHX area
  2. Hi Jeremy! Just confirming I will see you at 11:30 at Chipotle!
  3. Upendra, Thank you I hope you can make it as well and just joined the club!
  4. That is perfect! Thank you for the address too. I will see you there at 11:30 on Thursday 03/11!
  5. Awesome! I will be coming from Dobson and Warner in Chandler. I mapped out our cross streets and it looks like somewhere in Scottsdale off of the 101 may be a good central location
  6. That works out well! Would you want to meet up this Next Thursday 03/11/2021?
  7. I am interested! What days would work best for you? I work full time, but my Days off are Wed/Thurs/ and Saturday
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