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Kenneth Armenta

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  1. If time is an issue, I would learn the 5-min ORB. Carlos taught a very good class on it. Here's the link https://bearbulltraders.com/course/strategy/lesson/abcds-orbs-2/topic/trading-a-5-minute-orb-2/ In my opinion, the 1-min ORB is too dangerous for beginners, the 5 min can be fast too, but very effective when practiced and having a strong foundation on how everything else works. I tossed my other strategies, and strictly trade 5 min ORBS. I wish I would of started with them since the beginning. I've been having a high success rate with it. Good Luck on what you decide to do.
  2. Well from what I learned at BBT, is to steer clear from stocks with wide spreads. If I saw a strong support or resistance level, I might place a limit order at that level's price, but with a wide spread I wouldn't even touch it.
  3. Are you checking the spread? I know that happens if you're trading a stock with a wide spread between the bid and asking price. https://bearbulltraders.com/course/foundation/lesson/orders-level-2-candlesticks-price-action-and-trade-management/ When you're signed into the BBT website, follow this link. It's a video lesson given by Andrew discussing this. Fast forward to 24:10 of the video.
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