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  • Birthday May 17

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  1. I'm a newbie! In the last 2 months have read several books, watched many many YouTube videos, etc. I signed up for DAS Sim account last week and am now completely overwhelmed. I'd planned on my next steps being to configure my DAS account and start listing to the morning chat room and go over some "play by plays" to practice/learn some strategies and how to use the DAS program. However, I'm finding it to be a huge challenge to figure out the DAS account (frustratingly simple things like changing the chart from x-min to x-min or knowing what all of lines are on the charts). I have some of the knowledge of the terms and what they mean (VWAP, SMA, L2 charts, etc) from the books and videos but now need to transfer these definitions into reading the charts and figuring out how they all interact. Is there a chart configuration / DAS set-up someone could recommend and then follow with this same set up with trade reviews or play-by-plays? Any suggestions or tips of how to conquer this next part of the learning curve will be greatly appreciated!
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