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  1. Hi, Just wondering if the powerpoint slides will be made available for this webinar and part 1 also? They don't seem to be with the video. Thanks
  2. Hey folks, My name is Gar and I'm from Ireland. Happy to say that as of September, I can finally give day trading the time it deserves and see if it's something that suits me. I work as a pharmacist and currently have the luxury to pick and choose which days I work which frees up my weekdays to trade. Can still work at weekends and whenever else I need to. Would love to make trading my main source of income. It's good to dream! But i'm well aware of the challenge before me and the next few months will tell a lot. I plan to trade in sim until the end of the year at least, probably longer. Trying to focus my learning on VPA and learn from the master himself @Thor . I also really like @PeterD and @Aiman Almansoori trading styles but to be honest I can see myself learning bits from everybody in this community. Looking forward to getting to know you all!
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