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Prashant Malhotra

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  1. @Angela Kuzeva Nice to read your post & see someone from Dubai. I just joined yesterday and a complete Newbie to Trading! Hope to learn more from the community. Best of luck! 🙂
  2. Hello all. I'm from Dubai and like a lot of people here I too am new to Trading. Have in the past read a few books, have also put a small amount of money for trading and lost it! My background in education is Finance & I have worked in the Financial Services Sector for over 15 years, but I believe that all of this does not prepare you for Trading (or should I say has not prepared me as yet) and hence to learn more / be more successful I have joined this community. I hope I am able to contribute here successfully and learn at the same time while making a livelihood eventually from Trading. Look forward to connecting with the rest. Best! 🙂
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