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  1. Hi, I have been trading for almost 2 years. 1 year live. I have decided to go back to sim and work on a edge before going back live. Looking for a mentor that has a edge on the market since a few year and is willing to spent a bit of his/her time into supporting me to become a successful trader. Thanks.
  2. Hi, 1) Scenario 1: If I had a job at the beginning of the year, no longer working mid year and then decided to trade in simulation. Can my montly expense(25% for trading usage of rent & utilities) be used to reduce job income or to push these expenses in futur years? 2) Scenario 2: Have a full time job & trade part time. : Can the monthly expenses for trading(25% for trading usage of rent & utilitie) be used to reduce job income or to push these expenses in futur years? 3) Can monthly or yearly or lifetime membership in a trading forum(BBT) to be considered as expenses required for trading? Many Thanks.
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