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About Neil-B

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  • Birthday 10/07/1971

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  1. Hi Veronica, I have been with CMEG for around 2 years, I also started off there with a low funded account. At the time I believe it was the only broker that funded accounts below $10,000, (PDT rules) I started off there with a funding of as little as $500 and went from there. The administration at the time was a little slow but now they seem to have streamlined into a much smarter outfit. Email response from them is excellent There fees can be a little high but I am still with them, response times are very good both with DAS and Sterling platforms. At the moment I just don't feel need the need to move as I am more than happy with them. Regards. Neil
  2. Hi Priscilla, I have been here for about a month so far but was myself introduced to trading in early 2019. I have been part of other trading communities but I find this one so much more friendly. Additionally every question asked is always answered usually by several people. You most certainly have chosen the correct place to learn.
  3. Hi all let me introduce myself, My name is Neil and I come from the UK, Buckinghamshire (Just outside London) I am relatively new to Day Trading but have been simulating strategies for around 2 months. About myself, I left the British Army after a 25 year career in 2013, I worked in Engineering and IT and have worked in network security ever since. I have always worked to succeed in anything I have done and I am determined to make this work. In regards to Day Trading I had a subscription with another provider but never really felt part of the community. It always seemed to me more about making money than teaching. After a search I discovered Andrew's book which I read in two days and thought the book was fantastic. Hence I am now here. Already spent a couple of days in the chat room and I love it......including the banter.
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