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Posts posted by Dutch

  1. HI Jason,


    Wow now I am jealous, Looks awesome. We ahve a fair amount of space but not on your sacle down South here in the UK. I'll post a pic of the bike park I go to when I can find them.



    Alistair (Dutch)

  2. HI Jonosg


    Grreat to hear form you and thanks for the post. I'm also heading towrd my 50's so I know what you mean. The main thing is thayt you are out and about and enjoying riding, what ever type you do now.

    A Nice bike. As I am in the UK not to many exotic places to ride but we make do. ENough to still come unstuck if you are not paying attention !!

    Great to chat and catch you in the chat room.




  3. Hi All,


    I'm Ali from Kent in the UK. My early Christmas present this year of the Life time member ship. Been on quite a search to finally find my trading home so to speak. New to trading but been studying for 4 months in preparation. With all the additional material and support from an amazing community, 2020 is going to be an amazing adventure.

    I am super excited at my early Christmas present of the life time membership.


    Look forward to meeting the UK contingent  in December and  everyone else in the chatroom.

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