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Posts posted by Skyhigh11

  1. This is fantastic Kyle... your keys have been a great "safety net" for me as I transitioned live a month ago. 

    So, I am wondering what is the best/quickest way to alter (or do I need to cancel the stop initially set) the stop if I partial out to match the current shares held. At this point, I just cancel the stop and go manual. I dont want to be surprised by getting filled in an unintended direction.

    I would also like to see how well it works to use your keys with the new DAS feature that lets us move the stop by dragging it in the chart and what that does to your risk.

    On a few occasions, it seems the keys do not work in the premarket - I have had the stock blow past the stops (both long, short ,live and sim)... is this some random glitch anyone has noticed or me being a newbie and not fully understanding slippage and fills?

    Last question... which is better for speed: hot buttons or hot keys?

    Thanks, Shelly

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