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Everything posted by piroshapiro

  1. Koolertron - for labels I used clear packing tape on top and double sided tape beneath printed paper https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076LRJ528/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. After much experimentation (still ongoing!), I've settled on one main 32" monitor for scans, internet, and admin, with three 27" monitors above for charts and level 2. The hotkey pad orientation is also still evolving. A view can also add to one's composure during the trading day 🙂 Andrew's book was the first piece of trading literature I read and helped me tremendously in getting through the difficult, and often painful, learning curve this pursuit requires. Besides focusing on the clear and simple strategies that many in this community share, I've benefited most from watching Andrew and the other moderators show up each day with a consistent, balanced, long-term approach to trading. Simply being reminded each day by example of how to avoid FOMO, take profits, cut losses early, and come back again tomorrow has done for my growth more than hundreds of hours of studying charts, patterns, indicators, techniques, etc.
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