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Everything posted by rmiller.usmc

  1. Robert - Indiana Brand new student here, observing, asking, and learning are my current objectives. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away-- I did some reading on the market, and investing. I soaked up books on the subject whenever I could during my deployments. I believe planning for the future helped me maintain my sanity, and its been a whisper in the back of my mind ever since. I went on to get my degree in social sciences education, and then not work in a related field. I'm a lineman by trade. The money is what drew me in but I have no love for the job. My body does not agree with me as it used to, nor do I feel challenged, rewarded or fulfilled at the end of the day. Furthermore, my coworkers don't want to see their families near as much as they want to see the next overtime check. Don't get me wrong, I am still thankful for my gainful employment, but I do love my wife and I want to be home to enjoy our life. The end goal -- trade full time. I have no plans to quit my job in the foreseeable future, so don't worry. Although, I'm sharing all this with you because I want and will take advice from this community into serious consideration. I have a small passive income of 1600/month, and I have the option to get paid to go back to school as well. It would be about the same amount every month, probably a bit less (3k-ish totoal, enough to pay the bills for sure). I am not entering the simulator yet because I cannot be at my computer during market hours, save Monday. You'll catch me in the chatroom every Monday I don't work OT 🙂 My current training (three months), aside from consuming literature and the classes now offered to me here, consists of trying to find stocks that may in play before and during my first hour of work. I can only look for the catalysts. Upon returning home my wife tells me what stocks you traded that day. She also informs me on what you traded on the day I'm about to see on thinkorswim's on demand feature as I cannot simulate the current date. I trade, watch your recaps and recap my own day. I'm quite happy I found this community, I did a lot of shopping around in those three months, and this community stood out to us as the best choice. I'm also excited because I'm confident I possess the self discipline this field requires, both in the long and short terms. Any advice, critiques or hardy hellos are always welcome! Thanks in advance for your time. I'm excited to get to know you all. -Robert
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