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Greg D

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Posts posted by Greg D

  1. I stay out of the chat room for durations of time during the day so I can focus on my sole setup, wedges.  They’re working very good so far and I don’t focus on R:R; I focus only on daily goal. I’m happy with 1R (and less) as that gets me closer to my daily goal and in this mkt I’m really tired of seeing a green trade quickly turn to red!  Let’s just say that in this choppy market we are definitely building the muscle needed to succeed when the mkt is a little easier!

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  2. Hi Vikram, yesterday was sooooo rough for me too that I stopped trading at 11:00 and forced myself to leave my ofc for the rest of the day.   I went golfing a full 18!  Personally I’ve been thinking that this Thor-style of trading is really starting to appeal to me. For example, when I’m at 1R and take no profit and I get stopped out that’s a 2R swing against me. That and it’s mentally depleting to my psychology.  I’m seriously considering getting all out at 1R and looking at that as a mental 2R gain because it didn’t stop out at -1R. I need only 4R per day net so 1R per trade and i’m 1/4th to my goal! Yesterday sucked as I was in two great Long trades when “the tweet” happened and they both of course got stopped out!  

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  3. Vikram, 2.5R great job and welcome back!  I tend to mute the chat at the Open as it’s more fomo than I can handle as a newbie so I never even heard about $CREE until now.  Wonder why it wasn’t in Carlos’/Norm’s premarket show? What a drop at the Open!  Great trade and add-in on trade #4.  I’d love to see these trades when i’m still at my trading desk during trading hours so I can look at all the charts.  Can you email them to me during trading hours so we can share thoughts?


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